CBNU has been developed not only on a small scale, but also on a more substantial scale. The good news about CBNU has continued: ranking number 1 in customer satisfaction, receiving the most research funding, opening the Imperial College London Global Institute, and the fact that Doctor Kang Dong-ku in CBNU was chosen by the Newton International Fellowship in Korea. These show the competitiveness of our university has advanced. Furthermore, our alumni have been appointed as professors in other universities, and students have been awarded prizes in various kinds of contests.
Such development was possible because members in CBNU did their best in their fields with one accord. The professors¡¯ ardent desire for research, the students¡¯ love of learning and the positive volunteer spirit of CBNU staff members¡¯ have made the past development of CBNU possible and will be a motivation for future advancement.
CBNU has to carve out the future positively and make a greater effort, not being satisfied with the results so far. Also, CBNU has to cope with the exterior changes of Korea. Furthermore, we have to lead and plan future changes actively.
There are preparations to build a Bio Health Science Technopolis in Osong, and CBNU is playing a major role in the region. Our university has to specialize in the technological skills of life and medicine to keep pace with the building of the Bio Health Science Technopolis. It is time to actualize the concept of expanding our campus to Osong and Ochang.
The government is planning the reconstruction of national universities, and local national universities have to comply with the changes. As the main university in Cheong-ju, we have to prepare to be reborn into a more advanced and large scaled university by coping with the changes actively. Whether people agree or not, CBNU has to become a flexible organization which can realize continual development.
If we are able to cope with the change with open minds, the development of CBNU will continue. I believe that the future of CBNU will be positive. It is because professors, students, staff members and alumni, who love CBNU, do their best in their fields. The pure passion of members in CBNU makes CBNU develop, and it will be a key to open the future.
I thank the professors, students, CBNU staff members and alumni, who have made everything possible.