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ÃÖÁ¾ÆíÁý : 2024.10.07 ¿ù 16:32
[The Meaning and the Role of Prisons]Prison: the Place for Rehabilitation
Á¦ 113 È£    ¹ßÇàÀÏ : 2009.12.15 
Criminals who commit crimes enter a prison for rehabilitation. However, they are taught methods of crimes by other criminals. They even plan for the next bigger crime. In addition, the rate of second offenses in Korea is over 51 percent. The prison for education couldn¡¯t accomplish its role.
Because the punishments of criminals were death penalty and corporal punishment till early modern ages, a jail was used as the place that detained criminals only till executing the death penalty. After that, the opinions about abolishing the death penalty were stronger. Therefore, the jail was used as a facility to enforce punishment, not to isolate them from society. However, the jail was insufficient for health facilities. Moreover, confessions were forced through torture. That¡¯s why there were thoughts that the second offenses could be prevented though threats. However, it changed into a place that could strengthen the labor education, rules through compulsory labor and excluded the death penalty by a philosophy of enlightenment.
Keeping eyes on the writing of the past, changes have been made from just imprisonment to correctional institution. The jail was changed in name, from a prison, to an correctional institution under the provision of the law 858 in 1961. It is because the prison is not just for punishing and detaining the people. The prison¡¯s meaning is the accommodation that changes the criminals, cultivates the spirit of labor and the national spirit, and operates technical training and rehabilitates the prisoners.
Thus, criminals were taught technical training that suited for them in prison to help adapt the criminals to society. Also, the prison practices cyber education and humanist education, and religious activity for establishment of healthy values. As crimes are growing more and more, the role of the prison is important. As the purpose of the prison, the rate of second offenses should be decreased through the rehabilitation program, not through punishment.
Have You Thought about Legal Punishment?
[Pro and Con about Capital Punishment]View Points on Death Penalty
[The Reflection on the Severe Punishment]The Carrots Without Whipping Is Insecurity
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