In 2006, a flogging was carried out in Singapore, which ranked No. 1 in ¡°Desirable Countries to Live.¡± Might the severe punishments make Singapore a safer place to live? The flogging was executed by the government leaders who preferred to follow a strict system. Also, most Singaporeans agree with the implementation of the flogging.
Recently, Poland¡¯s assembly passed a bill that chemical emasculation will be applied to the sex offenders who have molested children. According to the opinion that imprisonment is not a solution, the bill

However, the cases of flogging have increased from 602 in 1987 to 3,244 in 1993. Therefore, doubt about the effect of the flogging has been suggested. Chemical emasculation also has some problems. It takes effect only in terms of injecting a drug. The side effects, like headaches and depression, are also suggested as problems.
Because of these reasons, the debates about whether severe punishments should be introduced or not continue. If the punishments are introduced in Korea, are you pro or con?