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Last : 2024.06.03 ¿ù 17:32
700 Students Gathering in Protest to Protect the University Name
On May 7, the Protest to Protect the Name of Chungbuk National University was hosted by the Central Steering Committee, which consists of the Student Council, the Central Autonomous District, and representatives of students from each college. The protest began with a march to Gaesin Cultural Square at 12 p.m. and lasted an hour. It was held in front of the university headquarters. About 700 students participated in the protest, urging opposition to integration and protection for the CBNU name.
Is It a Non-major System or a Non-ready System?
In March of last year, the Ministry of Education (MOE) revealed the following evaluation criteria in the 2023 University Innovation Support Project basic plan: Recruitment Without Distinction Such as Major Or Department, Reorganization Of Departments In Consideration Of Community Demand, Guaranteeing Students¡¯ Practical Choice Of Major, Operation Of Convergence Education Beyond The Walls Of Majors.
TOEIC Program on Campus, Studentsʼ Participation is Important
Students who are interested in the Test Of English for International Communication (TOEIC) program on campus, can now take the test on the CBNU campus. Since May 26, the TOEIC test was offered in the N14 Humanities and Social Studies Center at CBNU. Also, CBNU students qualify for a 10% discount when they register for the test which is only 43,200 KRW compared to the original price of 45,000 KRW.
The Rice Planting Event in CBNU: The Time to Solidify The Relationship Among The Members.
On May 28, the 2024 Rice Planting Event was held at the College of Agriculture, Life & Environment Sciences of CBNU. The Dept. of Crop Science Science hosts a Rice Planting Event at the end of May every year so that students have the opportunity to commemorate the long tradition of rice planting and gain experience as well as academic knowledge.
To Walk Along the Han River, To Meet History and Culture, A Tour of Han Riverʼs History
If someone asked which river represented our country, or asked what landmark in Seoul jumps out at them, most people will immediate respond ¡°The Han River!¡±. This river runs across our country¡¯s central part. It offers citizens places where they can rest and make good memories. The phrase ¡°Miracle on the Han River¡± is used referring to the economic growth that brought our country to where it is today.
¡°A Healing Playground Experienced through the Five Senses¡± Jamsugyo Bridge Festival
On May 12, the ¡°2024 Car-free Jamsugyo Bridge Festival¡± was held in Seoul. Originally, it was scheduled for May 5 however, it was postponed for a week due to rain and will now run from May 12 to June 23. The location is Jamsugyo Bridge and Moonlight Square in Banpo Hangang Park. The 2024 Car-free Jamsugyo Bridge Festival is themed as a healing playground experienced through the five senses. It is a festival where participants rest their bodies and minds while enjoying festivities and healing, recharging their weary hearts with the diverse attractions of the Han River.
Osong Disaster, Fight of the Bereaved After 10 Months
Last year on July 15, the Osong Underpass Disaster occurred due to the collapse of a temporary embankment created during the construction. As a result, water poured into the underpass causing 14 casualties and 9 injuries. The first anniversary of the Osong Underpass Disaster is approaching, but the bereaved families are still fighting for closure without being able to return to their daily lives. Their stories were shared by Citizen' Solidarity for Participation & Autonomy of Chungbuk (CSPAC).

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700 Students Gathering in Protest to Pro...
Is It a Non-major System or a Non-ready ...
TOEIC Program on Campus, Studentsʼ ...
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The Rice Planting Event in CBNU: The Tim...
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On April 22, a condolence wreath was placed at the main gate of CBNU to protest the increase in the number of premedical students.
What Do CBNU Foreign S...

Interview with CBNU Foreign St...

Having a busy semester, students are already looking forward to the end of this term. There are numerous university members in CBNU, especially those who spent a semester safely in a new environment. ...

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700 Students Gathering in Protest to Pro...
Is It a Non-major System or a Non-ready ...
TOEIC Program on Campus, Studentsʼ ...
The Rice Planting Event in CBNU: The Tim...
CBNU¡¯s First Event With a Chungbuk Cheon...
Osong Disaster, Fight of the Bereaved Af...
Cheongju Pay, Will It Be Sustainable?
CBNU, Speaking Out on the General Electi...
4th Discharge of Fukushima Contaminated ...
10¡¤29 Itaewon Disaster, the Story of the...
Delivering Warm Hearts to the World
How Can Foreign Students Adapt to CBNU?
Republic of Seoul and Local City Extinct...
Betrayal of Cars, Sudden Unintended Acce...
An Abnormal Motive Crime

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To Walk Along the Han River, To Meet His...
Relaxation found in Chungju City
Finding the Light of Gyeongju
Following the Traces of Joseon¡¯s Royal F...
[Desk Column] Remembering April: Reflect...
[Desk Column] Trampled Future: Authorita...
[Desk Column] How Obvious It Is
[Desk Column] The Frame You Stuck In
[Desk Column] Never Ending Presidential ...
¡°A Healing Playground Experienced throug...
A Party Without Host, The Birthday Cafe ...
Korean Affection, Traditional Market
Omakase: New Trend in Restaurants
Fitness Craze Sweeping Korea
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