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ÃÖÁ¾ÆíÁý : 2024.09.03 È­ 11:53
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[Desk Column] True Leaders Give Other People a Fine Reputation
Á¦ 169 È£    ¹ßÇàÀÏ : 2016.12.05 


  We consider CEOs in enterprises and presidents as leaders. Yet, leaders also exist in our daily lives, and we frequently have been put in situations where we should be a leader. This is because we always need a person who leads our conversations. Conversing with others is our routine work, but sometimes it seems difficult when there are few common interests with the others. If you have broad knowledge, you can prolong the conversation no matter what the others¡¯ interests are.
  However, we can never be encyclopedias. There could be a moment when you have to talk with others about a topic in which you don¡¯t have any interest at all. Then, through the book ¡®How to Win Friends and Influence People¡¯, written by Dale Carnegie, you can figure out the more fundamental principles of conversation. The principles are to respect others and to listen to them carefully. People want to be respected as much as you respect yourself, so if you obey and express sympathy with them, they will continue a fine dialogue and you can be a superb leader of the conversation.
  Thus, a genuine leader is a person who gives the other person a fine reputation. People truly want others to listen to their voices and honor them, and they are frustrated when they are not listened to. The slogan of the 2016 Student Union was ¡®Communication.¡¯ However, according to a survey conducted by the CBNU Press, 64.7% of students didn¡¯t think that the Student Union was devoted to its slogan, and this contributed to the poor satisfaction of 4.34 out of 10. Park Geun-hye has been called as a ¡®president of communication difficulty¡¯ since she hasn¡¯t listened to the people¡¯s opinions. For example, recently, she just gave her official apology concerning the Choi Soon-sil incident and didn¡¯t answer any of the people¡¯s questions. Therefore, people¡¯s declarations of the state of affairs and protests have been ceaseless against the president who never communicates.
  Kellyanne Conway, a campaign manager for Republican Donald Trump¡¯s presidential campaign, mentioned the reason for their victory, ¡°Trump was elected because the people want a change, and Trump has been successful communicating with them. Trump¡¯s presidential campaign conversed with American citizens directly.¡± Therefore, in the present world, where means of communication are diverse, genuinely respecting others is the most important qualification for a leader.

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