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ÃÖÁ¾ÆíÁý : 2024.12.02 ¿ù 18:00
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Do you know actors who don¡¯t have faces? They, who stand in front of microphones and not cameras, are voice actors. CBT reporters met Kang Soo-jin, the best-loved voice actor in Korea, and heard what he says about voice actors and the present situations they are facing. -Ed.
The Chungbuk Times(CBT) researched about the preservation of cultural assets. Many people remember the fires at Sungnyemun and Naksan Temple. Cultural asset accidents frequently occur everywhere. What is the situation in other countries? Moreover, the Chungbuk Times gave questions to students about the preservation of cultural assets. -Ed.
Are you contributing to the higher rate of sexual programs too? Sexual issues that had been talked about only in private are being talked about on TV programs. ¡®SNL', ¡®The Witch Hunter' and ¡®No More Show¡¯
In the movie ¡®Aging Family¡¯, when a man, one of the main characters, was hanging himself to death, he got a phone call from his mother.
With the snow outside now, all I can think about is Christmas! Christmas is more than just a single day of the year, it¡¯s an entire season!
The Korean bathroom culture has started to change. One of the reasons is that foreign tourists think Korean bathrooms are dirty because of the trash cans near the toilet.
Nowadays, people think that it is natural to use the Internet for answering questions rather than asking other people or looking in books.
Stars in the sky have always been mysterious to human beings. People can't reach the stars despite being able to see them. Since ancient times, people have been fascinated by the stars and have started to observe them.
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