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ÃæºÏ´ë½Å¹®¹æ¼Û»ç ÃæºÏ´ë½Å¹® The Chungbuk Times ±³À°¹æ¼Û±¹
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ÃÖÁ¾ÆíÁý : 2024.12.02 ¿ù 18:00
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Parents Day
Have you ever seen the public service announcement, 'Language Purification-Talk to Me Quickly'? The short announcement on TV shows the image of teenagers who can't continue a conversation without using swear words.
The Holocaust showed extreme violence of humanity and that was one of the most important events in the twentieth century.
The Chungbuk Times(CBT) researched about the preservation of cultural assets. Many people remember the fires at Sungnyemun and Naksan Temple. Cultural asset accidents frequently occur everywhere. What is the situation in other countries? Moreover, the Chungbuk Times gave questions to students about the preservation of cultural assets. -Ed.
The Ilsun Company could not endure financial problems and went bankrupt on November 9th. Now, there are empty bookcases and notices in the Ilsun libraries located on Sungan Road and CBNU Campus Bookstore. The notice at CBNU`s store said ¡®Bookstore is preparing to launch.¡¯
Students who live in the dormitories at Chungbuk National University(CBNU) have probably experienced rushing into their dormitories in a hurry to keep a curfew.
The lack of safety consciousness in corporations and the authorities' neglectful safety management are inviting disaster. Recently, gas leak accidents frequently occurred in Chungbuk regardless of whether it was a major company or a smaller business.
Last April, there was a little snow in some regions of Korea. Global warming has caused changes in the climate worldwide. This winter, it was too cold for a longer term. Under these conditions, is the indoor temperature of The Chungbuk National Univercity(CBNU) properly maintained?
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