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ÃÖÁ¾ÆíÁý : 2024.12.02 ¿ù 18:00
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Now, CBNU is so busy. The school is preparing for the elections of the next presidents in General Students Association(GSA) and each department in November. The candidates will register in early November.
The Emergency-Call (E-Call) system, which was installed for students¡¯ security, didn¡¯t deliver significant results. Most reports through E-Calls were prank calls, and there were no actual reports about crimes. It is a not-so-understandable result considering the fact that recently crimes of Cheong-ju have more frequently occurred.
Chungbuk National University has begun to pilot 'Electronic Attendance-Absence Recording Systems' in some major classes and the smaller liberal arts classes since the first term of this year.
I wanted to do many things when I became a university student. One of them was going on overseas trips or studying abroad. Therefore, I studied English steadily since 1st grade.
The Cheongju Culture & Arts Free Market opened around the Jungang-dong youth square on March 31st. Creations and creative performances by the local artists from every field will be shown or sold at 1pm every Saturday from March to November.
The CBNU Center for International Affairs usually selects Global Language Talented Students from April 30th to May 6th. Selected students can go abroad for language training during summer vacation from July 30th to September 2nd.
On September 23, the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(MEST) designated Chungbuk National University(CBNU) as a university which should be restructured by the University Evaluation System.
CBNU said about this criteria, "These evaluation standards are not appropriate for local national universities. This is unfair."
I joined the ¡®Dokdo Supporters¡¯ program which was organized to commemorate the 60th anniversary of Chungbuk National University(CBNU). Participants who returned from Dokdo will soon visit middle and high schools and tell information about Dokdo and inspire them to have patriotism.
Recently, the Central National Police Agency measured how long it takes for policemen to arrive at the scene of a crime after reporting. The result revealed that the Chungbuk Police Agency recorded 7 minutes and 20 seconds(Codes 1 and 2) this year and Chungbuk area was selected as the slowest.
I joined the ¡®Dokdo Supporters¡¯ program which was organized to commemorate the 60th anniversary of Chungbuk National University(CBNU). Participants who returned from Dokdo will soon visit middle and high schools and tell information about Dokdo and inspire them to have patriotism.
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