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ÃÖÁ¾ÆíÁý : 2024.12.02 ¿ù 18:00
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On October 12, both CBNU and CNU were inspected simultaneously by the audit committee. Democratic Party(DP) lawmaker Byeon Jae-il attended as a chairman and eight National Assembly members were present at the inspection. The presidents of CBNU and CNU also attended with key university administrative officers. The parliamentary audit, which was held in CBNU, lasted for about two and a half hours, and the presidents answered difficult questions from the eight inspection commissioners.
[A Word for Wisdom on English] ALPHABET SOUP Tim Crawford, Professor, Dept. of English Edu.
The G20 Seoul Summit will start on November 1st. I will watch this conference with criticism, where so-called developed countries participate.
When speaking about the roles of female politicians, we usually mention 'the effect of Joan of Arc'. This means that we are looking forward for them to taking on significant roles like she did. Two strengths of women are considered to be multi-tasking and performing mother's roles.
Six CBNU professors are listed in the 2011 edition of 'Marquis Who's Who in the World'. It is one of the famed biographical annals. Albert Nelson Marquis published the first edition in 1899. Every year, 'Marquis Who's Who in the World' introduces famous people from every field in the world.
Is it due to one of the undesirable influences of the English-focused education boom which has lasted long in Korea that I often hear some ¡°unnatural¡± Korean passive expressions from my students? You may say it is just a fashion that will go away soon, so it cannot be a big shot. Unfortunately, however, I have already begun to worry about frequent use of those ¡°would-be¡± Korean passive expressions by my students in their everyday life.
Do you know where the setting of the worldwide famous love story ¡®Romeo and Juliet¡¯ is? Most people probably guess the United Kingdom because of Shakespeare, but the answer is Verona, Italy. Many people visit Verona to find some traces of Romeo and Juliet. The local government of Verona made the House of Juliet, the House of Romeo, and the Tomb of Juliet. Among these, the House of Juliet is the most famous one.
Fall is already coming. Trees are turning red and yellow everywhere. There are a lot of famous places for autumn scenes. One of the best is located in Hadong near Jiri-mountain. The scenery of Ssanggye Temple in Hadong is very famous. In this issue, let's go to Hadong! -ED
From September 28 to the 30, the Geashin Daedong Festival was held. The theme of this festival was ¡°Sharing, Challenge, and Unity." During the festival, various events, such as a world record challenge by making a 59m Injeolmi, a marathon race on campus, and a quiz show, took place. This year, there was a special song festival with local residents. This event was planned based on the recognition that the Gashin Daedong Festival was not only for CBNU students but also for the local community. In addition to these programs, the Girls Students Association opened events for female students, the Disability Supporter Center held programs for experiencing disabled people's hardships, and students of a CBNU public relations team provided a program for students.
CBT met Kim Myeong-soo, who is a representative of People Korea. People Korea is an Internet newspaper which specializes in interviews. He interviewed many people throughout the country. He can inspire students to see the world in a wider perspective. Let's listen to the story about the way to see the world by Kim Myeong-soo, who is also a alumnus of CBNU.
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