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ÃÖÁ¾ÆíÁý : 2024.12.02 ¿ù 18:00
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As face-to-face classes began from the first semester of 2022, extracurricular activities that have been suspended until then made a welcome comeback. In March, the first semester of the Ga-du Club Association was held for the first time in three years, and in April, the inauguration ceremony of the college student council was also held face-to-face. That was different for each college this time
The Chungbuk Times No.203
The regulation on the use of disposable products in stores was implemented once in August 2018. Due to COVID-19, its implementation was suspended and then implemented again from April 1st this year. These are some of the bills of ¡®Restriction on the Use of Disposable Products¡¯ revised this year: Prohibition of the Use of about 18 disposable items in foodservice stores, Disposable Cup Deposit System, Expansion of disposable items and target industries.
According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Naions (FAO)¡¯s , most of the terrestrial animal and plant species known to humans, including humans, inhabit 31% of the land area which is forest. In the middle of the climate crisis, forest fires, floods, and landslides are increasing in frequency due to the increase in abnormal climate phenomena, and the negative cycle of forest area reduction is perpetuated.
During an interview conducted by the Sisa Journal in November 2018 Son Hak-bin, a member of the Jehovah¡¯s Witnesses Church, was asked why he did not comply with the national obligation of military duty. He replied, ¡°In Acts of the Apostles 5:29, it is said, It is more suitable to obey God than humans. When the teachings of the Bible contradict the rules of the state we should be obedient to God, even if it implies civil disobedience.¡±
On February 24, 2022, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered a special military operation, and Russia invaded Ukraine. This incursion has been unexpectedly prolonged, with numerous casualties and refugees, and it is fair to say that Ukrainians have suffered beyond imagination. In addition, it is affecting the whole world in terms of its economy, culture, transportation, etc.
This is what a CBT reporter recently heard from one of the people in the crowds on a spring day when cherry blossoms were in full bloom. In fact, it was hard to find any of the honeybees that should have started working early to mid-March when the forsythias began to bloom. At the same time, mainline news started reporting that, starting from Jeju island and the Southern States, honeybees had suddenly disappeared, and could easily be found fallen dead! Insects like bees or butterflies can sense even the weakest of signals of any kinds of natural disasters.
Have readers ever heard of Cyworld? Cyworld, which started its service in 1999, was a social media where people could freely express themselves and have social interaction with different kinds of people. The cumulative number of users reached 32 millions, and more than 70% of Internet users at that time enjoyed great popularity in the 2000s. However, as some functions of Cyworld have been suspended since 2015, the web service has been temporarily suspended since October, 2019 due to a failure to access the website.
The first semester of the 2022 school year will begin at Chungbuk National University on March 2nd, when the opening issue, 202 of the English Chungbuk Times is published. This semester, which coincides with the arrival of new freshmen, is the first one in about two years where all classes are conducted face-to-face. CBT reporters wanted to create a space for students to ask seniors questions about school life, including those who are entering the school at 22 and those who have not properly experienced face-to-face classes.
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