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ÃÖÁ¾ÆíÁý : 2024.12.02 ¿ù 18:00
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Chungbuk National University students are future members of society. Students will inevitably go out into society and build a variety of important relationships. To be socially successful, the most important ability required is ¡®Empathy¡¯, ¡®Why is ¡®Empathy¡¯ important and why should people practice it?¡¯ This is an important question people need to seriously ponder. The question was posed to Lim Hong-jae, a former Korean diplomat, in a recent interview.
The Chungbuk Times No.200
Chungbuk National University held an annual festival, called Gaesin Daedong-je, that should not be missed. This year was no exception, and it was the second untact Gaesin Daedong-je held at Chungbuk National University. The Untact Gaesin Daedong-je, which ran from Octoer 26th to 28th, was a non-face-to-face event due to the COVID-19. The festival theme was R&B where the ¡®R¡¯ stands for ¡®Road¡¯ to move forward based on the 70th anniversary of the university, and the ¡®B¡¯ stands for pioneering a new path against the ¡®Background¡¯ of justice.
The university history center, attached to the Chungbuk National University museum, will independently open in December. It will be located in building N19 on the west side of the college of human ecology, the oldest building on the Gaesin campus. The university history center shines a light on the development of the university. There are collections and exhibitions of the process performing the unique functions of university form its inception in 1951 to the present and the data produced as a result. All university-related materials such as university symbols, souvenirs, photos, videos, and costumes are being collected to improve the affectioning feeling of university members and former students.
¡®Daejeon Shinsegae Department Store,¡¯ which officially opened on August 27th, and it offers a variety of the usual stores buying and selling goods. Even though, there are other specialized facilities the most special being an aquarium. The place, which had been thoroughly promoted through SNS, was opened to people by pre-invitation, and the official opening was originally August 27th, the same day as the department store. However, it was postponed a couple of times in consideration of the COVID-19 situation. Therefore, the final official opening was on September 10th. A CBT reporter, who visited the facility located on the first basement floor of Shinsegae Art & Science in Daejeon, will introduce some of the prominent features as well as an interview with Oh Chae-eun, a member of the management team.
¡®The Chungbuk Times,¡¯ which was first published by the Department of English Education on December 20th, 1970, is fast approaching its 200th publication in November 2021. To celebrate, let¡¯s check out the footsteps which ¡®The Chungbuk Times¡¯ has walked and interview some who have helped the newspaper to be published. Plus, let¡¯s find out the future direction of The Chungbuk Times.
A SF film ¡®Avatar,¡¯ released in 2009, of story is about earthlings adapting to a new planet to solve the problem of global energy depletion. In the production process of this film, filmmakers substituted the new planet with a virtual world and created virtual characters called Avatars. It was a new genre with different challenges from previous movies, and it had huge success at the box-office with a record-breaking number of viewers. Also, when the movie was released, most people were under the impression that the application of avatars would be limited to digitally created content.
Currently, due to the prolonged COVID-19, and the continuous increase in the number of infected people, daily life as before is becoming impossible. As a result, many people express their dissatisfaction with stores closing at 10 P.M. Jeong Seok-young, a senior majoring in Electronic Engineering, complained ¡°After a long day, I go to a bar to relieve my stress, but there isn¡¯t enough time to talk with my friends, and it¡¯s impossible to enjoy myself within the constraints of time. It¡¯s a pity to see the closed stores where I used to visit, and unlike before, the Jungmun commercial district is in a slump.¡±
Taking a trip is one of the things which comes to mind when people feel tired and exhausted. This is because it can give them a boost again by escaping from their repetitive routines. However, the protracted COVID-19 situation has made overseas travel¡¯ an out-of-date idea, while the demand for domestic travel skyrocketed. People who used to travel abroad are now fervently turning their eyes to domestic destinations. In addition, the overall trend of travel has been changing. According to data from the travel company, Yanolja, in August, recent popular keywords in leisure and cultural activities form the acronym ¡®SUPER¡¯ which stands for ¡®Supreme¡¯, ¡®Untact¡¯, ¡®Private¡¯, ¡®Experience¡¯, ¡®Rebound.¡¯
On September 19th, 2021, Tesla CEO Elon Musk announced that the company will fully complete autonomous driving technology of level 5 by the end of 2021. A self-driving car refers to a car that identifies the situation with various sensors such as precise maps and GPS and visits the destination on its own without the driver operating a handle, accelerator pedal, or brake. A level of the self-driving car is divided into 6 stages from 0 to 5. From level 4, the driver doesn¡¯t have to control the car. Not only Tesla but also domestic companies are preparing for the commercialization of self-driving cars in earnest.
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