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ÃÖÁ¾ÆíÁý : 2024.12.02 ¿ù 18:00
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If one asks people about well-known environmental issues, most of them would answer ¡®global warming and melting glaciers as an aftermath.¡¯ According to Britannica, the definition of global warming is ¡®The phenomenon of rising average air temperatures and sea level near Earth¡¯s surface over the past 100 to 200 years¡¯. As this phenomenon continues, several environmental issues arose including melting glaciers. Even before the wrecked ecosystems and rising sea levels came up as a global issue, glacial melting and shrinking were the most critical collateral damage from global warming.
The annual College Scholastic Ability Test(CSAT) will be held on December 3rd. It is almost impossible to overstate the importance of this test since it will, to a very large degree, determine the future of many students. With the test just around the corner, the Ministry of Education and 17 municipal and provincial Education Offices announced ¡®Measures for Facilitating the Implementation of the CSAT in 2021¡¯ on November 5th. Looking over the implementation measures, we immediately notice that there are lots of new precautions, because this year is the first CSAT in the COVID-19 era.
Nowadays, in South Korea, every age group is focusing on exercise. Recently, there have been newly-coined phrases related to working out like ¡®Helchang¡¯, one who was poisoned in the fitness center and ¡®Sanlini¡¯, a hiking beginner. Now that a large portion of the population is hitting the gym regularly we can distinguish between various workout cultures. CBT reporter will focus on the workout trend of those in their 20s and 30s.
This year, which was difficult because of the COVID-19, is already coming to its end. Recently, at Halloween, some people gathered in the streets such as in ¡®Itaewon¡¯ and ¡®Hongdae¡¯ without following the quarantine guidelines and it caused many people to frown upon them. On November 7, as the quarantine guidelines have been changed to the first stage of social distancing, we wanted to to find out how people and companies around us are preparing and planning for enjoying Christmas, one of the year-end events. -Ed.
Marriage is a highly symbolic institution or ceremony that has legally binding effects, and it has the very important role of forming families. Not so long ago, people who did not get married in Korea were not treated as properly equal people. Nowadays, however, many think that marriage is not a family-to-family system, but a process of individuals meeting individuals. That fundamentally changed the perception of marriage.
Applying for a job, an exchange student program or even small volunteer work requires a certain level of English. As a case in point, you can easily find students diligently studying English in our CBNU Library at any time of day. KRIVET (Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education & Training) has surveyed 1,000 junior & senior students at college, showing 8.89 hours weekly study time on average. Plus, the students spent an average of 3.94 hours studying English.
CBNU student, Lee Sung-kyung (Dept. of Fine Arts) was frustrated to see the cancellation notice of this year¡¯s university festival. ¡°I have enjoyed campus festivals since my freshman year. Around this time, the whole campus area used to be vibrant from festival preparations, so it feels somewhat empty to see the quiet campus,¡± she said. That¡¯s why she showed interest in the online communication festival. ¡°A friend of mine told me about the communication festival.
The Chungbuk Times No.194
Due to the influence of COVID-19, our lives have changed a lot compared to before. In particular, ¡®Untact Consumption¡¯ has increased significantly, making it an indispensable factor for us ¡®Untact¡¯ is a combination of ¡®un¡¯ and ¡®contact¡¯, meaning ¡®no contact¡¯. Online classes and VR shopping, which used to be unfamiliar, have now become all too familiar in our lives. Under these circumstances, the CBNU Museum decided to hold an online exhibition.
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