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ÃÖÁ¾ÆíÁý : 2024.12.02 ¿ù 18:00
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The Chungbuk Times No.217
On July 10, the annual Sweetcorn Festival was held in the lobby and courtyard of the CBNU College of Agriculture, Life & Environment Sciences. The Sweetcorn Festival is an extension of sweetcorn¡¯s new product exhibition that was held on July 7 in 2023. The Sweetcorn Festival was held with the aim of informing the public that sweetcorn can be used as an ingredient for various foods.
From Aug. 7 to 9, the Gaehwa Student Council of CBNU and Sunyul Student Council of Chungnam National University (CNU) held a joint rural volunteer activity in Geumsan-gun, Chungnam Province. A total of 130 students, 65 from each of the two universities, participated in the volunteer program, which was organized as part of the National University Education Program¡¯s ¡°Regional University Cooperation Program,¡± and helped 10 farmers in Jeawon- myeon, Geumsan-gun.
On July 2 in 2024, the Chungbuk Quantum Research Center opened at the CBNU Industrial Technology Research Park. The center aims to develop quantum technology researchers through the University ICT Research Center in CBNU while also facilitating practical courses that connect universities within the province and providing training for corporate employees.
From July 1 to 26, the Liberal Education Center and the Student Council at CBNU held a Liberal Arts Course Contest called ¡°What Kind of Liberal arts course Should We Create?¡± This contest, which began in 2022 and is now for the third year, aims to develop and introduce new liberal arts courses based on ideas proposed by students about the subjects they want to learn in college. The goal is to create a student-centered curriculum.
At 4 p.m., a briefing took place in the large lecture room of the College of Social Science (N15) regarding the submission of the integrative application between CBNU and KNUT. During the briefing, the academic structure reform plan related to integrating similar and overlapping departments was revealed. These departments were categorized into three types: Type 1: Overlapping majors with the same name and consistent department classification.
On July 30, the Ministry of Environment announced 14 candidate sites for climate response dams. The aim is to protect citizens¡¯ lives from extreme floods and droughts and to support the future water needs of national strategic industries. The ministry revealed plans to build dams for responding climate crisis across the country, including the Han River, Nakdong River, and Geum River regions. Specifically, there will be four dams in the Han River region, six in the Nakdong River region, one in the Geum River region, and three in the Yeongsan River and Seomjin River regions.
¡°Slow aging¡± is a recent trend on social media. Other trends have focused on different aspects of food, including a variety of spices and flavors. However, slow aging primarily focusses on the health benefits of food, and people have now turned to health rather than taste. This article will introduce what slow aging is and find out why it caught the attention of many people.
Forests are crucial resources that perform multi-purpose functions such as maintaining agricultural productivity and preserving land, providing and protecting wildlife habitats, and supplying places for rest. In particular, forests play a major role in allowing people to experience nature and find sufficient rest even in the city. This aspect of a forest is clearly high demand in a stressful work environment today.
At the end of July, police chiefs in England and Wales warned the victims of violence perpetrated by men has reached Epidemic Levels and it amounts to a National Emergency. According to the first national analysis of the scale of violence against women and girls (VAWG) by the National Police Chiefs¡¯ Council, at least one in every 20 adults will be a perpetrator of VAWG.
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