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ÃÖÁ¾ÆíÁý : 2024.12.02 ¿ù 18:00
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Various Ways to Enjoy Fear
On October 31st of every year, people who enjoy Halloween wear different costumes, and many people enjoy seeing them. In particular, the number of people wearing outfits by making costumes themselves is increasing. They even look more like the characters nowadays. Let¡¯s find out why this trend is popular on Halloween day and what kinds of traditions there are.
It is the season of fall foliage. The vivid colors of autumn leaves would summon numerous visitors and tourists so as to flaunt their vibrant hues pompously saturating the mountains and hills throughout the country. The cool and crisp weather of October would captivate and fascinate the seasonal pilgrims even more with the fascinating colors of nature, so the whole nation would be crowded with a myriad of mountain-hikers who are so eager to delve into the brilliant pigments of the season.
When I was a high school student, I was afraid to walk at night. I was so scared to take a step into the darkness where I could not see, and I got goosebumps from the slightest sound around me. I had a fear of the dark. As I grew older, I had to walk through the dark streets often. It was an ordeal for me to go home after school or watch a movie late at night. I hated the fact that I was so scared.
The drama My ID Is Gangnam Beauty, which contains realistic insights on plastic surgery, recently ended. When I watched this drama, I had many questions like, ¡®Have I been living in a world without prejudice against plastic surgery?¡¯ I thought that the reason for plastic surgery was simply ¡®satisfaction with oneself¡¯. However, this drama introduced me to lookism.
CBNU has offered students various programs every year during the festival season. In this festival, a Total of the Federation of the Club prepared a haunted house. For this interview, let's meet hidden characters that give students fun and fear at the festival and listen to the stories in the process of preparing the haunted house.
The Chungbuk Times No.181
Every university has strange stories. There are a variety of rumors at CBNU. The ghosts of dead children doused with water often appear at Sookmyung Women¡¯s University. Also, it is rumored that ghosts crawl around the walls and ceilings in the CCTV room of the College of Arts at Jungang University¡¯s 2nd Campus in Anseong city. Some universities have ridiculous rumors as well as scary stories. There are lion statues at Kyunghee University. If students get on a lion statue near the main building, they become forever alone.
Only one day a year, it is not strange if people walk down a street wearing a monster costume. It¡¯s October 31, Halloween. Halloween, which derived from Celtic culture, is a familiar event in Western civilization, yet it isn¡¯t a common event in Korea. However, Halloween has been popularized steadily in Korea as it is used for marketing or in SNS at the end of October every year. For young people, Halloween is no longer unfamiliar or strange.
The CBT reporters visited Itaewon for this 181st newspaper issue. They arrived at Itaewon Station about 10 minutes after taking a taxi from Gangnam Express Terminal. When reporters came to the station, there were lots of foreigners. One reporter said, ¡®Is there another place where foreign culture has developed so well in Korea?¡¯ Many foreigners who live in Korea visit Itaewon because there are plenty of nice bars and cafes rather than ordinary restaurants.
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