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ÃÖÁ¾ÆíÁý : 2024.12.02 ¿ù 18:00
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On November 8th, Donald Trump was elected as the 45th president of the United States. As many people had been interested in the U.S. presidential election, it provoked lots of controversies. The intense debates between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, which had been held several times before the presidential election, engaged a lot of people¡¯s attention.
The students of the Dept. of Physical Education have achieved good results in the recent competitions. In particular, their achievements in the 97th National Sports Festival in Asan were remarkable. 35 CBNU students took part in 5 different events and won medals: three gold medals(singles and doubles soft tennis and 71kg class of wrestling), one silver medal(55kg class of wrestling) and three bronze medals(doubles soft tennis, discus and 57kg class of wrestling).
The CBNU Disability Support Center has installed various facilities for handicapped students¡¯ convenience, and it is running a lot of programs to aid the handicapped. The Center installed a barrier-free room for handicapped students to take a rest between classes this semester. This room has been utilized as a lounge by the disabled students and a place for educating middle school and high school students about the disabled.
Dissatisfied comments about Pungmul (Korean traditional percussion) band¡¯s activities can be seen easily on CBNU-related SNS, such as ¡®CBNU Daeshin Jeonhaedripnida¡¯, ¡®CBNU Daenamoosoop¡¯ on Facebook or CBNU¡¯s Daum online cafe. Typical samples are, ¡®Samulnori(Korean traditional percussion quartet)¡¯s sounds are so annoying,¡¯ and ¡®Samulnori has returned right after Chuseok! The past few days were so nice and quiet.¡¯
There is a person who cleans up our school beyond our sight. Lee Sun-ja is a cleaning woman belonging to the College of Business. She told us the story of a CBNU cleaning woman¡¯s life. My name is Lee Sun-ja. I have worked for 5 years as a cleaning woman in the College of Business building (N14). The College of Business building consists of five floors. I clean up the third floor to the fifth floor, and the other custodian cleans up the first two floors.
Recently, the number of blood donors has been decreasing. With the development of the Internet, information about blood donation can spread quickly. However, negative aspects and misinformation about it have also spread, and those are two of the reasons why the number of blood donations is declining. Therefore, if we aren¡¯t interested in blood donation, we can¡¯t get accurate knowledge about it.
Because buses have no hammers, so you can be a lifesaver
Many female students usually expect bargain sales on cosmetics brands. Lots of university students prefer low-cost stores such as Juicy, a franchise which sells fresh fruit juice at a low price, or 39pocha, a low-end pub. Nowadays, the trend where people are considering cost-effectiveness is increasing and people think this tendency is great. Several years ago, changes started in cafes, bars and pubs, which are usually known for selling expensive brands. In Korea, Juicy, which opened in 2010, was the first cheap fresh juice store
Nowadays, serious accidents have occurred once a month. Two of four recent accidents caused serious casualties. The lack of the bus drivers¡¯ welfare and bus safety acts are the causes of these accidents. Last July, an accident happened, leaving 4 dead and 14 injured at the Bong-pyong tunnel. The cause of the accident was drowsy driving. According to the defendant¡¯s lawyer at the hearing on September 6th, the general practice of the bus industries is that drivers are only provided accommodations or meals when tourists offer them, and they are only provided meals when tourists offer them
Yoon Han-byum(¡¯16, Dept. of Nursing Science) said, ¡°From when I was young, I have been taught by my parents that I should use chopsticks correctly because it is a part of Korean table manners. Especially on a special day like Korean Thanksgiving Day, when my family and relatives gather, I focus much more on using chopsticks appropriately.¡± As he said, we all had the experience where we were taught how to use chopsticks, and we all have used chopsticks a lot.
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