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ÃÖÁ¾ÆíÁý : 2024.12.02 ¿ù 18:00
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A travel writer, Tai Won-june, traveled around the world with his mom, who had gotten tired of her life, on her 60th birthday. He wrote his unique journey in two books 'Mom, Letʼs Just Go without Hesitationʼ and 'Mom, It is Finally a Happy Endingʼ. These two books have become best sellers and have touched many peopleʼs hearts.
A syndrome is a pattern of symptoms of some disease. These syndromes have existed for a long time. However, these syndromes also have changed continuously because of the changing thoughts of people. This CBT reporter would like to introduce what the modern syndromes are.
Recently, celebrities gambled and it affected society. Three Samsung Lions baseball players missed a recent game. It caused the club to lose the game, and fans of the club were disappointed. The prosecution and the police expanded the range of the investigation, which was gambling by baseball players. 12 businessmen also gambled overseas in a gambling house. They gambled about 50 billion won.
Halloween originated from Samhain, a custom festival of ancient Celts. Celts regarded Halloween as the last day of a year, and they appeased dead souls and cast out demons by having a ceremony. People who were afraid of demons decorated themselves strangely like demons to confuse the demons.
Department of Defence show
Recently, there has been a no smoking boom in South Korea. The cigarette prices went up by 2,000 won early this year. The no smoking areas have also been extended. Prohibiting smoking in internet cafes and restaurants is mandatory. This boom influenced clinics for quitting smoking to be crowded. Warning images and warning phrases will be seen on packs of cigarettes from December of next year.
This semester, a small library has formed near the front lawn of the College of Humanities. The name of this library is Giljabi Byeolnaru, which means the Pole Star to guide. This library is just a small bookcase of wood and everyone who is a Chungbuk National University student can use this.
CBNU exchange student programs are divided into 3 categories like this chart. Most students prefer the Hakgi program because the standards to apply are lower than the sister university program. Sister universities accept only TOEFL, and its score should be more than IBT 80. It is that same as 800~900 on the TOEIC. However, in the case of the Hakgi program,
There is a band which became popular after CBNU¡¯s festival in October. This band is called Hwang-So Band(Hwang-So is a Korean bull's name) whose members consist of CBNU staff members. It is considered the first selection for festivals in Chungbuk National University. Thus, a CBT reporter met its members and heard about their story.
You already could be addicted to something. Can you imagine your life without your smartphone? Besides a smartphone, there are various things that can be addictive; games, shopping, etc. However, there are special cases of addiction that could create a new culture in the world. This CBT reporter would like to talk about the special addictions.
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