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ÃÖÁ¾ÆíÁý : 2024.12.02 ¿ù 18:00
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I like people who are honest about their pain. Most people aren¡¯t honest about their pain and are afraid to express their pain. However, I think someone who is honest about their pain has the ability to understand others.
A young man started a business with nothing and swept the Japanese market with gum and chocolate. He invested much money earned from Japan in South Korea and made a big business based in South Korea and Japan. The enterprise is now ranked fifth in South Korea with annual sales of 83 trillion won,
The new semester started, so many students should be interested about their major and other majors. There is a way to take other courses outside of your major courses for students who are interested in another major. If you want to take other majors, how about taking a multi-major or a major with a minor.
Please give attention to us
Some places in CBNU have been used as backgrounds for movies and dramas. These facts are widely known and were reported in the media on Aug. 5th. Almost all students had a positive response. At the end of July, Solmot was used as a background for the drama named ¡®What¡¯s the ghost doing?¡¯ on KBS 2TV.
The statute of limitations on murder cases was abolished. That is, the enactment of the so-called Taewan Law was passed on July 24th. Taewan, whom the law is named after, was doused with sulfuric acid all over his body from an unknown assailant in an alley in Daegu on May 20th, 1999.
Remember the movie ¡®King and the Clown¡¯ that sold over 10 million tickets? The tightrope walking by the main character was surely enough to cause the heart-pounding excitement. Here is an extreme sport that is gaining huge popularity in Europe and the U.S. It is called ¡®Slackline¡¯. -Ed.
A university is a place where you can get true learning such as academic success, broad relationships, responsibility and a variety of experiences. However, the purposes of university have become tarnished, and the universities of today are little better than job-training schools.
NHK broadcasted news that ICOMOS, the advisory body of the World Heritage Convention of UNESCO, recommended 23 Japanese industries in Meiji Japan as world heritages on May 4th. Japan has applied to list a package of 23 coal mines, shipyards and other industries in Kyushu and Yamaguchi as UNESCO world heritage sites in 2014
Many things have happened in the world after the twentieth century. One of the most important things is the growth of women¡¯s rights in the world, but nations which don¡¯t accept the growth of women¡¯s rights still exist, and one of them is India. Gloria Whelan¡¯s book ¡®Homeless Bird¡¯ is a novel that is based on the miserable lives of Indian women.
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