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ÃÖÁ¾ÆíÁý : 2024.12.02 ¿ù 18:00
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Nowadays, one of the hottest issues in Korea is the reform of the public pension. The group directly influenced by the reform is only government officials, but it became a social issue because other people who are indirectly influenced by the reform also have an interest in it. For example, there are the officials¡¯ families,
On May 4th, the Chungcheongbukdo Provincial Office disclosed information about public facilities drinking water. The 8 places did not pass a water purity examination. In Cheongju, 5 places did not pass that examination(Myeongsim Neighborhood Park, Wooam Mountain¡¯s trail, Sacheondong Apartment and mountain fortress trail).
Only 63 Day
People may imagine about being born in another country. Korea is ranked top among OECD countries in the rate of people abandoning their nationality. What¡¯s the reason? Then, what disadvantages will Korea get from it? If you are curious about them, focus on this article
The e-learning system named ¡®eCampus¡¯ in Chungbuk National University(CBNU) was reformed by the Center for Teaching & Learning(CTL) last month.
As the number of students with automobiles increases, the demand for parking near Chungbuk National University campus has increased. There are two ways to use parking lots
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