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ÃÖÁ¾ÆíÁý : 2024.12.02 ¿ù 18:00
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When you walk on the street, you might have seen a street performance once. While watching the performance, you might have thought it looked fun and wanted to play with them.
Like Murphy¡¯s law, we feel it is harder to take a taxi on a day when we are tired or our burden is heavier than a common day. If it is difficult to take a taxi, many women are scared especially
Sangdang and Heungdeok ward offices, which received a state document that ordered them to remove banners related to the Sewol ferry, demolished about 150 banners in mid-September after Chuseok
The world made a war that doesn¡¯t have a sound. This is the seed war. A seed war means to have an intensified political and economic confrontation between countries or companies
Most people can't achieve many parts of their desires due to countless obstacles in reality. Austrian psychologist Sigmund Freud said people tend to satisfy their unconscious dissatisfaction by dreaming.
On the 3rd day of last month, Mark Zuckerberg gave a speech about ¡®Connecting the world on the internet¡¯ to mobile communication providers in the Mobile World Congress,
The movie ¡®Dead Poets Society¡¯ shows students in Welton Academy, who aim for entering prestigious universities, become aware of themselves after meeting John Kitting, who is their professor.
Lots of plane accidents are occurring these days. There were various reasons for the accidents, and also there was a crash that happened intentionally by a pilot as you can see in the Global Article
We play alcohol games to brighten our atmosphere or for fun. I like it, so I do it often in drinking parties. Do you know the game where you must drink a punishment alcoholic drink when you use
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