There is no official definition of Well-being, but the World Health Organization referred to Well-being in 1948 as the word ¡°Health; a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.¡± Since then, Well-being has been used in various fields, and it is directly concerned with Quality of Life(QOL).
The range of Well-being is wide. All behaviors for gaining a higher QOL are included. Eating well is basic. It is embodied in vegetarianism. Overseas, the movements for Well-being have already been diversified. The concept of LOHAS(Life of Health and Sustainability) has spread recently, which emphasizes a sustainable eco-friendly lifestyle. The Down-shifter, who goes

In the past, for the poor, pursuing mental stability in life was difficult to access. However, as the national income has increased, the Well-being industry has been developed and generalized. How about finding your own Well-being lifestyle and practicing it in your daily life?