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ÃÖÁ¾ÆíÁý : 2024.10.07 ¿ù 16:32
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 Choi Ji-su
Modern Syndromes
Á¦ 161 È£    ¹ßÇàÀÏ : 2015.11.30 


A syndrome is a pattern of symptoms of some disease. These syndromes have existed for a long time. However, these syndromes also have changed continuously because of the changing thoughts of people. This CBT reporter would like to introduce what the modern syndromes are. -Ed.

¡á Changes between the past and the present

  When we think of the past, we can see a lot of changes have occurred. Let¡¯s think about pay phones and mobile phones. Ten years ago, pay phones stood in a row in the center of cities. However, the number of pay phones has decreased with the introduction of smart phones. Likewise, disposable cameras and stereos have disappeared. People don¡¯t have to print photos or buy music tapes because they use smart phones.
  Therefore, we can know that many things have changed over time. In fact, there are many benefits of these changes. However, there are many side effects to modern people as well. Consequently, people have syndromes. Then, let¡¯s find out the characteristics of modern syndromes. We can list the most prevalent syndromes: Hamlet Syndrome, Messenger Syndrome, and Smile Mask Syndrome.

¡á Hamlet Syndrome

  The name is a reference to the famous soliloquy ¡°To be, or not to be, that is the question,¡± in William Shakespeare¡¯s ¡®Hamlet¡¯. The main character Hamlet is an indecisive person. He kills many people because of his character. Also, he hesitates to act but he succeeds in his revenge. However, he finally meets his death. Therefore, Hamlet Syndrome is named after the ¡®Hamlet¡¯ character.
Hamlet Syndrome is a problem of over-thinking and a lack of action. Hamlet Syndrome is often caused by information overflow, loss of identity or individual background. Also, it is often caused by a passive childhood that relies on parents¡¯ choices. Choi Ji-young(¡¯15, Dept. of Plant Medicine), who has Hamlet Syndrome, said, ¡°I can¡¯t choose one among a group and finally pass on the decision.¡± In addition, she said, ¡°I¡¯m used to passing my decision, so my behavior to decide is awkward to me.¡±
  In fact, there is no way to prevent the syndromes perfectly. However, these ways might help to prevent this syndrome. First, you should make sure to set your own standards. Because of a lack of your own standards, you are easily influenced by the opinions of other people. Second, you shouldn¡¯t be afraid of your failure of choices. You need to move away from the idea that choices are good. Also, failure to choose might help your next choice.

¡á Messenger Syndrome

  Nowadays, young people mostly communicate through messengers. In particular, people who are teenagers or in their twenties can¡¯t live without messengers. However, messengers are not good for office workers anymore.
  Initially, the messengers in companies were introduced because of work efficiency. However, messengers recently became factors for stress. This stress is called Messenger Syndrome. If the syndrome remains untreated, it can result in a loss of appetite, sleep disorder and misanthropy. The biggest problem is that the syndrome comes to people naturally in their daily lives.
  The Messenger Syndrome is a problem not only in Korea, but around the world. Therefore, other countries presented solutions for this syndrome because it has become more serious. In Germany, many companies agreed to accept an ¡®anti-stress law¡¯ which bans contact among employees after office hours. Also, a Canadian telecommunications company called BlackBerry gave additional pay to employees who worked overtime.
  There are two types of methods to prevent Messenger Syndrome. One is that employees put away their smart phones and do active activities after office hours. The other is that companies should make a policy which prohibits companies from giving tasks to employees via smart phone after office hours.

¡á Smile Mask Syndrome

  Most people have an idea that they have to show positive attitudes to other people. However, there are some people who spend so much time hiding their real faces. This symptom is that people always smile even when they are faced with upsetting or sad events. They think, ¡°I always have to show a bright attitude to all people.¡± This symptom is called Smile Mask Syndrome.
  People who have the Smile Mask Syndrome seem happy and positive, but most of them are depressed. Also, they have chronic fatigue, indigestion and insomnia. Employees who have to display required emotions toward customers have these symptoms. They are seriously stressed because they take care of customers while suppressing their emotions. The Smile Mask Syndrome is caused by suppressing feelings.
  To prevent this syndrome, we¡¯d better express our emotions. However, people can¡¯t express their own emotions. Some CBNU students also have this problem. Choi Seul-a(¡¯15, School of Business) said, ¡°I¡¯m usually laughing even though I feel bad. In the past, my friend broke my umbrella, so I felt bad but didn¡¯t want to annoy her. As a result, I still have a negative feeling.¡± Therefore, we¡¯d better express our emotions. If we have a service occupation, it is important to divide our work and rest.

¡á Finally

  Actually, there are more syndromes in the real world. For instance, there is Peter Pan Syndrome, Blue Bird Syndrome, and Ripley¡¯s Syndrome. Moreover, the range of modern syndromes is expanding. However, if we know these kinds of syndromes¡¯ characteristics and basic causes, we can prepare for them later. Are you suffering from these modern syndromes now?


By Choi Ji-su

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