Chungbuk National University has implemented the Short Program for Training Overseas Training, which sends the students overseas during vacation. It's the 11th year of this program, which was started to cultivate a better perspective of the nation, to instill in the students pride and a sense of duty, and to adapt to the globalization.
Everyone has been given equal opportunities for this program since 2009. The International Education Center(IEC) and the Office of Student Affairs annually draw an average of 50 attendees out of about 150 for the program. One student in each department is picked out as a model student with dean's recommendation. This year, CBNU selected 40 average students and chose 50 model students during the period of June 1 to June 9. The selected students were divided into two Chinese teams and two Indonesian?Cambodian teams, and then they trained overseas for 5 nights and 6 days.
Students, except for freshmen, who received at least B0 (average rating 2.60) last semester were qualified for selection. Also, CBNU did not select the students who received benefits from other abroad training programs supervised by CBNU in the past.
The students only need to bear 25% of the total expenses thanks to IEC's support. Because of this support fund this year, they trained at low cost, which is 300,000 won for the Chinese teams and 400,000 won for the Indonesian?Cambodian teams.