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ÃÖÁ¾ÆíÁý : 2024.09.03 È­ 11:53
Experience Section
 Kim Ji-won
[International Report] How Do You Prepare for Getting a Job in Your Country?
Á¦ 146 È£    ¹ßÇàÀÏ : 2014.03.03 

  In Korea, many specifications are essential for getting a job. There should be not only a TOEIC score, but also internship experience, language study abroad and volunteer activities for getting a job because companies are raising the bar. Students who have just one or two specifications cannot even submit resumes. However, a more serious problem is that many specifications are just necessary conditions for applying for jobs at companies. Even if students have many specifications, they still have a job interview after that. No matter how many specifications they have, if they fail in a job interview, finding a job comes to nothing.
  Companies want a person of versatile talents. Companies don't hire applicants if they just have a great language ability or have a good appearance. Most companies want competent people who have many abilities, so students have to get certificates, study foreign languages and do many things for getting a job.
  Many college students cannot enjoy their youth because of difficulty in finding a job. Going out with an attractive person is just a luxury to them. They cannot go to their hometown on national holidays because of preparing for getting a job. These days, college freshmen are trying to gain specifications. College freshmen should expect their four years in college with anticipation, but freshmen nowadays study TOEIC and make an effort to get good grades for getting a job. This is what Koreans face.
  A student who is preparing for getting a job said, ¡°The specifications that companies want are too much. The specifications actually are not really essential for tasks. After people become members of companies, most of the specifications become useless things. This is Korea¡¯s situation for landing a job. I wish companies would require useful things even after applicants join companies.¡±
  It is really hard to prepare for getting a job in Korea, but Korean people accept that fact like destiny. Then, what do foreign people think about the situation for getting a job in Korea? Furthermore, how are they preparing for getting a job in their country? Global View interviewed different opinions about these questions.

By Kim Ji-won | jw34@cbnu.ac.kr

How do you prepare for getting a job in your country?


Watanabe Miyu(Japan) : In Japan, people analyze themselves just before getting a job and it can help people recognize who they are. After that time, people do connection research and research of companies. People can think about which company they want to work for and why they chose the company after understanding themselves.
Zhzira Idrisova(Russia) : It depends on the type of the work. I am studying to become an English teacher or a French teacher, so I have to know the languages firstly and then how to teach them properly.
Nicole Flucker(USA) : In order to prepare for a job in the US, most individuals attend a university that offers their desired major. There, the students attain certain skill sets which will help them with success in their future career.


Are many specifications essential for finding a job in your country?


Watanabe Miyu(Japan) : In Japan, having specifications is good, but it doesn't matter if they have no specifications. Of course, some companies require TOEIC scores at application qualification, but most companies don't care. English skills are not important as in Korea.
Zhzira Idrisova(Russia) : Knowing Kazakh, Russian and English languages, how to use a computer and also what is necessary for each profession.
Nicole Flucker(USA) : Yes, depending on the job, many specifications are essential for getting a job in the US.


What do you think about Korea's preparation for getting a job?


Watanabe Miyu(Japan) : Putting too much stress on specifications is not good, but it is inevitable for getting great applicants. However, I hope that personality becomes more important than specifications through interviews.
Zhzira Idrisova(Russia) : I think Korea has strict rules for getting a job, so the preparation is also strict.

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