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ÃÖÁ¾ÆíÁý : 2024.09.03 È­ 11:53
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Kim Jin-bae is Attempting to Improve the World through Humor
Á¦ 125 È£    ¹ßÇàÀÏ : 2011.05.28 


No. 1 humor teacher
 I belonged to a pantomime club as an actor when I was a university student and felt the pleasure of making other people laugh. Therefore, I always tried to entertain people around me. I attended lectures from professional teachers in my free time to learn how to make people happy.  I even recorded an entire lecture once with a recorder.
 At that time, I decided to be a humor teacher. I thought that human beings were the happiest when they laughed, and I wanted to convey as many of my thoughts to people as possible. I guess the time when I was in that pantomime club was a decisive factor in my career because I felt very confident on the stage. In those days, nobody taught about humor except me. Therefore, people began to call me the No. 1 humor teacher when I became famous.

Smiling makes success
 I say, "Always smile," every time I meet people. I think that humor is a factory which make happiness and is a prerequisite for success. I thought positively as much as possible whenever I  was placed in a difficult situation. When I was young, I once lost a job because the company I had worked for failed. At first, I was very frustrated and shut myself in my home for days. However, some time later, I felt that it could be a chance to be a humor teacher, which I had actually wanted to be. After that time, I read various kinds of books in some libraries and built extensive knowledge, which is the foundation of my job now. Famous leaders around the world are also innate humorists. When Andrew Carnegie was alive, one female customer visited his company and complained angrily to him for  about an hour. After the customer went back, Carnegie was smiling, and a subordinate asked him why he was smiling. Carnegie said, "I'm okay, but how about her husband?" Humor is the magical lubricant which can solve even tough situations and disharmony.

A way to be a humorist.
 Everyone can be a humorist even if they don't have any sense of humor. I was an introverted person before, and a majority of the attendees at my lectures are also people who are not funny. First, use humor in front of people  regardless of confidence. Many people avoid using humor due to the fear of receiving many people's attention or chilly responses. If they do that continuously, they can't be humorists. No one can make people laugh from the beginning, and it is not true that experts at humor always succeed at being humorists. I have always emphasized confidence by saying, "Even top baseball players' batting averages are only 30 percent. Spread your humor with the thought that it is a success if you succeed in spreading humor only three times out of ten trials.

The skills of humor
 One of the rules about humor is, "Always respect others and lower yourself. As you make yourself uglier, others can come up to you more comfortably." However, if someone who makes himself lower feels extremely ashamed, it would be better to stop. When someone feels uncomfortable, others can't listen with delight.
 Be fluent in positive and constructive humor. After Muhammad Ali was defeated, he left wonderful words, "Showing the fact that I can be defeated is a good lesson to children." Laughter can be produced from a positive and constructive way of thinking. Passive and critical people can't show humor. When passive and critical people tell humorous story, the contents of the stories are usually so pessimistic and critical that they make other people feel embarrassed.
 For example, I said to a person who was late for a class that "Such a person will succeed, because, although he was late for a class, he has an active attitude to attend a class. Most people try to read people's minds and don't attend a class if they are late."
 Have boldness. Overreact according to situations. When you are in fun situations like dining with family, friends and co-workers, overreacting is a very good way to make yourself favorable.

Humor is a necessity for a social life
 Humor is needed by everyone and specifically important to university students. After students graduate from universities, they start to have social lives. When students go to universities, it doesn't matter if one student is a pessimist or an optimist. However, after students enter society, it can be a problem. Society wants humorous and intelligent people. I recommend changing one's personality through humor. I also changed from an introverted character to an extroverted character through humor. Since then, I have had a social life with confidence, and my human relationships improved. Humor will bring benefits to you. It will never bring damage to you. For example, a student who specializes in religion at the university had interview with a sales company. The interviewer said, "Because you are a religious person, you can't lie to people. Our company needs liars to sell products." The student answered, "Because I am a religious person, people usually think that I can't lie to them." The person who had answered wisely passed the interview and joined that company.

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