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ÃÖÁ¾ÆíÁý : 2024.09.03 È­ 11:53
People Section
Have You Cleaned Well around You?
Á¦ 131 È£    ¹ßÇàÀÏ : 2012.03.30 


We are living in a flood of information. For that reason, many people have trouble when they are not organized. A lack of organization skills leads to decreasing work efficiency.
A professional organizer provides organized systems and consults with people who have a problem with decreasing productivity because they get stressed by not being organized enough. They help people to organize everything such as computer files, time and personal connections. Yoon Sun-hyun, the first professional organizer in Korea, informs many people of manners and the importance of organization. -ed


The long-term plan to creating a start-up business as a professional organizer
I dreamed of a start-up business since my childhood. However, it took a long time for me to actualize that intangible dream. Mapping a start-up business that fits me was harder than I thought. I was interested in turning a service into a business, and I thought about work that helps people. The most important thing was differentiation in deciding a business, which means finding work that others did not do. Meanwhile, I read a book about organization called ¡®How to Simplify Your Life¡¯. After I read this book, I thought running a business on organizing would be good. After I decided what I should do, I thought about how to run a business about organization for 7 years. Then, I started the business by consulting and holding seminars about organization in May, 2010.

Changing attitudes about professional organizers
Many Koreans thought that a professional organizer was a cleaning agent when I said, ¡°I am a professional organizer,¡± in the past. Furthermore, Koreans didn't think that we had to spend money for organizing at that time because a professional organizer was a very common career in the USA but not in Korea. This career did not exist in Korea.
However, this career is quite well-known now. Unofficially, about 20 professional organizers exist in Korea despite only 2 years since I started this career. I expect professional organizers could increase to at least 200 in the future because members that joined the American National Association of Professional Organizers (NAPO) are about 4,300 persons. The demand for professional organizers is increasing because things that people should organize pile up in companies, houses, preschools and coffee shops in recent times.

Organizing is the power to make opportunities
I like the word ¡®opportunity.¡¯ I express things such as success, money and happiness as opportunities. These opportunities used to be goals or meanings of life for people. There are people taking opportunities or not. To obtain and make opportunities, we should be prepared. I think this preparation is organization. Organization controls resources such as time, money, acquaintances and personal connections. Organization, which begins with throwing away useless things, helps people in using something economically. I believe we can make as many opportunities as we want if we clean up and arrange the resources I mentioned above.

Throwing away perfectionism
Many people who do not organize their surroundings tend to think organizing isn¡¯t important. However, everybody needs organization. Thinking, ¡®What will I do today?¡¯ is an organization when you wake up in the morning.
There are some people who are not satisfied about their organization even if they are already well organized. The reason is that they have perfectionism. There are many people who give up organization and become stressed. People should clean up for their entire lives. However, perfectionists cannot finish organizing completely because they try to complete all organization at once in a day. People need to think that organization is what they have to do a bit at a time for a lifetime. They need to imagine how much they want to organize in a day and set an hour plan¦¡how much they will organize for an hour every day. Then, they can start organizing with the mind that they don't need to finish organizing at once. If you follow this, you can avoid feeling dissatisfied about your lack of organization.


To CBNU students as the new semester begins
The most difficult organization will be handouts for students. If handouts are organized, you can economically supervise your study hours.
First, as soon as you receive handouts, write a date on them. Then, you keep handouts by dividing them into three categories: progress, record-keeping, and reference. What you have to be careful about is whether you throw away or keep the used handouts. Organize handouts once a month. If you don¡¯t use handouts even once for 6 months, throw away these handouts.
When you organize handouts, it is comfortable to organize them by binding them with clips by dates or classifications. I hope that you reject organizing with clear files or staplers. Binding with clips is more useful when you organize because you can see handouts directly on the exterior and you can easily put in and take out handouts.
Many college students don¡¯t optimize their time because of delaying habits. Managing time means organizing free time.
To make good use of time, first, you should grasp times that you can administer and fixed times for sleeping, meals and school. Then, you should grasp things to do in times that you can manage and change these to fixed times. Discern which tasks need to get done and which ones are unnecessary, and then make a list of these tasks. After that, set priorities among those tasks. Put these priorities in a fixed schedule. Finally, make a list of tasks and check off what you did on the list.
When you design a planner, it is also a good idea to predict what would happen if you do certain work. To avoid giving up your decision about planning, you should live loving yourself every day and have an earnest mind about the things that you have, like Steve Jobs did.

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