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ÃÖÁ¾ÆíÁý : 2024.09.03 È­ 11:53
People Section
 Gwack Han-sin & Park Ji-su
An Artist Who Draws Pictures with a Machine
Á¦ 143 È£    ¹ßÇàÀÏ : 2013.10.07 
Interview with Jun Myung-jin , a Photographer

Jun Myung-jin traveled all over world in person and wrote the book ¡®Spectrum of Dream¡¯. As compared with people who have normal lives, he has a unique life. He has stories which show his passion.  Now, he is a professional photographer. What events does he have in his life to be a a professional photographer?  He is keeping passion in his life, so CBT reporters interviewed him this month. You will be impressed by Jun Myung-jin. - Ed.

The meaning of a photographer in my opinion
  When someone does something they like, money and time give them restrictions. However, the reason why I have a career as a photographer is to free myself from those restrictions. When I paint any picture I like on paper, which is the shape of a rectangle, with a camera, I also do not take any restrictions. I meet new people that I like and make a lot of experiences by working as a photographer. In other words, the photographer is like a bridge to the dream I want.
  Nowadays, I usually take pictures of buildings. I have mostly worked taking pictures of people. Coincidentally, I had a job which was to take pictures of buildings, so I had to study about buildings. I thought, ¡°Buildings are not only to make the outward appearance but to make the space we use in substance.¡± However, the people just see the outward appearance, the ceilings and walls. We tend to decide the value of the buildings according to what we see. It is not right to make a decision by focusing on the outside, because we use the inside. Therefore, I have the curiosity of the utilization of buildings, and I like to take pictures of the inside of buildings in detail.
The beginning of life as a photographer
  I traveled the whole world as I planned. That was the Korea Clothes Project. The journey was to go around the world with Korean traditional clothes. After the traveling, I asked myself these questions, ¡°What is the happiness of my life? What do I want to do?¡± Then, I completed my traveling. I planned to have dialogues with people of renown. However, it was difficult to have a chance. Therefore, I tried to follow some famous people for 2 months. I sent a lot of mail. I diligently interviewed those people. One of the interviewees was Kim Joong-man. It was he who lead me to become a photographer. The meeting was an exchange of minds between myself and my teacher and it was very pleasant. I could arrange my complicated thoughts through the conversation. After a good talk for 2 hours, Kim Joong-man asked me to work as a photographer with him. Somehow, this happened to be the beginning of my life as a photographer.
The motive of Korea Clothes Project 
  The journey was an event which awoke big questions in my life. I still have vivid memories. In India, I felt awful things, which were mucky streets, hot weather and an airport that looked like a rural building. That is why I do not want to travel to this country in the future, but my mind was changed because of the days that I stayed in India. I was surprised that I kept up with the Indian¡¯s view of life. They are satisfied with their lives even though they do not care if they are high class and wealthy people. It may be the influence of India¡¯s religion. However, that is extremely different as compared with Koreans. Koreans are likely to complain, ¡°I have no English ability. I am fat. I am short¡±, and other weaknesses. In my  journey to India, I thought, ¡°The standard of happiness is different with things I know clearly... how can I live fine with that standard?¡± I decided to think about that for a couple years in the army. At the end of the 2 years, I settled to travel all over world. It was difficult to decide. However, I could decide easily because I had already traveled to India before, which gave me good experience.
The best memory in the Korea Clothes Project
  The journey of getting around the world while wearing the Korean clothes and taking pictures was not easy. However, I obtained more memories from preparing to travel than the traveling itself. The beginning of the Korean Clothes Project was during the army. I chose the subject of traveling, and I made a thorough investigation of travelling. Time flew like a bullet in the army. I took a sponsorship from a Korean clothes shop by chance, so I thought that I could take help from others. Then, I tried to get another sponsorship by sending letters written by hand, but I could not get any answers. I went to the companies and asked about sponsorships. While visiting a broadcaster, one producer said, ¡°You are the first man with a letter to show up in person. I would really like to work with you after reading your letters. However, I can not disregard our procedures of applying. I will go to great pains to hire you. And then I will call you.¡± After some days, I heard the answer which is that they decided to work with me. Therefore, I could travel easily because I got help from others. After preparation for my travels in the army, I could go around the world according to my plan.
  The reactions of foreigners to the Korean Clothes Project are enthusiastic. I decided to choose subjects of the Korea Clothes Project. However, that is just pictures of wearing the clothes. My journey had no meaning in my mind, but my mind was changed because foreigners were interested about my face and my clothes. I thought that I had to share our Korean culture with other countries in the world. Then, my journey came to mean much more than before. The journey finished with many episodes and experiences. After the journey, I had new questions about life, so I decided to meet people of renown. One of those people was Kim Joong-man.
The sentence I want to tell myself after 10 years
  I can not expect any image of my life after 10 years. However, I request something to the future me in 10 years. Even if my future life is very calm and like an endless repeating routine, I want to live with a dream and a challengeable mind.
To students
  I ask you, ¡°Do you know what specification means?¡± Many people use this meaning differently compared with its original meaning. The original meaning was abilities of parts of machines. However, the people use it to describe people. I want to change the meaning of specification to a spectrum of abilities. A spectrum is formed by a ray of light passing through a prism and has the colors of the rainbow, but the spectrum that Jun Myung-jin mentioned means various merits that one person has.  I want all of the students to think deeply so that the students can have self-confidence as special people. If you think everybody does something in the same way, it would be horrific. Lastly, I want to say one more thing. Your spectrum is unique and very precious. Therefore, if you do something, your behavior is only one which is very bright and beautiful in the world.

Gwack Han-sin l hs34@cbnu.ac.kr

Park Ji-su l js34@cbnu.ac.kr

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