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ÃÖÁ¾ÆíÁý : 2024.12.02 ¿ù 18:00
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[Desk Column] School Should be More Attentive in Hearing Students' Voices
Á¦ 126 È£    ¹ßÇàÀÏ : 2011.09.01 

Celebrating its 60th anniversary this year, CBNU created the new slogan '21st Century Seonbi' to change its ideals of education. Chungbukilbo, a local newspaper of Chungcheong province, published an article about why CBNU created that slogan. I had also seen the slogan hung in front of the Head Office last semester, and I had wondered about its meaning. According to the article, Kim Gwi-lyong, the dean of Academic Affairs, made this slogan, and he said, "CBNU will focus to train students with an upright character and outstanding ability. When these students begin their work, they will make our city, region and society vibrant."

Now, a new building for Law school is under construction, and the first floor of the Student Union Building is under remodeling where a restaurant and a convenience store are located. Furthermore, CBNU was chosen by the Advancement of College Education in May, and the students received some benefits.

However, the school's attitude to deal with some problems students face was far different from the slogan to cultivate people into 21st Century Seonbis. The school has not adequately responded complaints from students and maintained an unconcerned attitude rather than try to mediate problems. The students have had difficulty in registering for courses since an on-line sign up system was introduced. The school is procrastinating to solve it because of an insufficient budget. In addition, students didn't receive definite answers about questions concerning the introduction of the relative evaluation system in majors last semester. It seems that the school pays attention only to its own image, not to voice of students.

The Seonbis of the Joseon Dynasty pointed out wrong policies and tried to change them. Even if they didn't hold public office, the king could not disregard their opinions. The current Korean society has a strong tendency to pass over or conceal university students' thoughts, thinking that they are still too young, but the school should treat the students are important participants in university administration. At the very least, universities should pay attention to the opinions and thoughts of students. If the students have wrong ideas, the school can persuade them with logical and reasonable explanations.

It is a good idea to educate students as Seonbis. However, if the school continues to neglect students' problems and wants the students only to follow fixed regulations, the step towards cultivation of talented people will never be proved. Please don't ask students only to comply to fixed rules owing to the thought that students are too young. Please make room for us to think and make our voices heard so that we can finally be thoughtful leaders. We need a school who listens to our opinions carefully and responds properly.

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