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ÃÖÁ¾ÆíÁý : 2024.12.02 ¿ù 18:00
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[Editorial] Importance of Young Voters
Á¦ 132 È£    ¹ßÇàÀÏ : 2012.04.30 

I am often asked from students what individual voters can really change in this immature political environment. I, however, strongly believe that the young voters representing different voices including first-timers, could play a significant role in elections.
The generation, born and grown up in the era of neo-liberalism, is highly individual and often person-oriented, not interested in societal issues. Even though young voters in Korea did not eagerly participate so far, I am sure that their interest in politics has been growing. Record high youth unemployment, limited job prospects and big uncertainty are overshadowing young adults¡¯ future. Looking at the matter, some candidates of the 19th national assembly election tried to give an impression to young voters, but overall election pledges were not well targeted at youth. The speeches delivered by politicians during election campaigns hardly leave any impact on young voters, either. This is why we have to effectively get our message out in a various ways, and change some misplaced policy priorities.
In addition, we have to be keen to tell ineffective proposals from necessary policy measures, of course. From public speeches, pamphlets, television appearances to social media, we are presented with the flood of information. Thoughtful analyses of political issues are, therefore, needed. Simply following twitter messages and facebook opinions is not enough nor a good way to be involved in politics. Gone are the days when we are just passive voters. Small-sized off-line and on-line networking system that will enable young voters to communicate one another over specific topics would be much better. Young People must share their hopes, expectations, and values with their peers. We are social beings, after all.
Young voters should have confidence to give creative ideas of their own based on their experiences and to drive politicians to give reasonable policy outcomes in a responsible way. Then, you will be heard and respected. We will have the 18th presidential election this coming December. You can make a difference!
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