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ÃÖÁ¾ÆíÁý : 2024.09.03 È­ 11:53
Column Section
[Reporter¡¯s View] Things I Learned
Á¦ 171 È£    ¹ßÇàÀÏ : 2017.04.10 


  I took a recruitment test and had an interview to join The Chungbuk Times on July 19th, 2016. As a result, I passed and my reporter¡¯s life began. When I was writing my first article, it was very different from writing assignments in college. I had a heavy responsibility to write the article because the CBNU students and other university students are the main readers, so I wanted to write a superb article. However, as there¡¯s a saying that you must not expect too much from your first attempt, I faced problems, such as writing an article unrelated to the subject that I initially planned on covering. However, when I had problems, I asked for help from other reporters, and thanks to their help, my first article was published in the newspaper.
  I learned that, even though making an effort to find a solution by myself was okay, finding it with the other CBT members was better.
  As I kept on working for the newspaper, I learned many other things besides the skills for writing articles. One of my realizations was the benefit of viewing objects or phenomena with a new perspective. When writing an article, I sometimes refer to other articles or books because of my lack of expertise, but by doing so, sometimes my writings end up full of cuts and pastes. Even when I do a cut and paste from the internet to complete my article, I have a feeling of doubt like, ¡®What am I doing?¡¯ To get out of this problem, I try to see phenomena or incidents with new perspectives. If I look at them in a different way, different details can come out from the same facts. Such a habit not only helped me with writing an article but also was a personal benefit for me.
  Finally, the CBT consists of an editor-in-chief, a copyreader, reporters and cub reporters. Many other tasks are required of the editor-in-chief, such as choosing topics for monthly planning meetings, considering other reporters¡¯ conditions and leading the newspaper group. Someday, when I become a leader of a group and have many responsibilities, I hope the newspaper experience will be a foundation that will be used as a favorable influence on my life.

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