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ÃÖÁ¾ÆíÁý : 2024.12.02 ¿ù 18:00
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How often do you study English? We use adverbs to show how often we do something. But they do not simply mean the frequency of doing something.
On April 16th, Koreans were shocked and sorrowful because of the ship carrying more than 400 people sinking in the ocean. There were more than 300 students on a school trip aboard, so parents bewailed the loss while thinking of the children.
The Fukushima nuclear power plant accident in 2011 and the Korean nuclear power plant corruption scandal in 2013 provided an uneasy impression of nuclear energy¡¯s image.
While users of smart phones increase and the wireless internet has expanded, users of Social Network Services are also increasing.
People need something to heal their busy and tired lives, don¡¯t they? Why don¡¯t you feel the fresh air and a breeze in nature with people whom you love? However, most people hesitate to go camping
Forks, knives, spoons and chopsticks: these are the things you need whenever you want to have a meal. However, in a society where people tend to search for simplicity, to set the table for every meal can be troublesome for them. In this article, CBT has found an interesting way to help the readers by introducing Finger Foods.
ON&ON is starting the opening ceremony of ancestral rites
In 2014, the new semester has started now, and many students in Chungbuk National University(CBNU) want to listen to lectures. The enrollment basket program was introduced last year
The International Education Center makes international exchange its prime objective. They also teach English and Chinese classes for the Koreans and Korean classes for foreigners. In addition, the International Education Center holds an ¡®Employment English Camp¡¯during every vacation.
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