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ÃÖÁ¾ÆíÁý : 2024.12.02 ¿ù 18:00
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According to the results by The National Statistical Office survey of 42,000 people over the age of 15, 34% of respondents answered that there appeared to be equitable sharing of housework. The survey found that only 27% of men answered, "We should distribute equitable sharing of housework."
English has a lot of idioms. These are expressions that have a separate meaning from their literal meaning. One thing about English is that the number of idioms is really high, so no one speaker can learn them all.
As long as Korea uses the screen quota system to promote making high quality films and to foster the domestic film industry not to feed a number of major companies, we need to select and focus on independent films and art films which achieve recognition on the world stage for applying a screen quota system.
Modern people, who lived in rapidly changing times, couldn¡¯t find time to look back on themselves in the past. However, they are so exhausted from a long-lasting economic depression and their hard-hearted lives that they are now stopping their work and are taking their time to heal themselves. As the number of people healing themselves has increased, recently, ¡®healing¡¯ has become a new culture. –Ed.
Give me 2,800 won!!
This month¡¯s topic is one that every English teacher has had to deal with at some point.
Recently, personal information leaks through applications(apps) of smartphones are increasing. According to Korea International Steel Associates, the number of vicious apps in smartphones reported in January was 55. This was seven times compared with the number of vicious apps in smartphones reported in December.
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