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ÃÖÁ¾ÆíÁý : 2024.12.02 ¿ù 18:00
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My name is Goeprert Justine, and I am a 20-year-old girl from France. In my home country, I study Marketing and International Negotiations, but I had the chance to spend a semester as an exchange student in a partner school abroad.
Now, we are living in the age of globalization. Inspired by the Ministry of Education and Science Technology(MEST)¡¯s international students promotion policy, the number of international students who reside within the country has been rapidly increasing, with continuous growth of double figures except last year.
Where did you travel this winter vacation? University students can travel to romantic places throughout summer or winter vacation. Have you ever felt like having an occupation related to travel on your trip? CBNU reporters interviewed ¡®Kwon Da- hyun', a travel writer. Kwon Da hyun wrote a book titled ¡®Rail Ro Giycharo¡¯. The book provides tips for tourists.
Now, we are living in the age of globalization. Inspired by the Ministry of Education and Science Technology(MEST)¡¯s international students promotion policy, the number of international students who reside within the country has been rapidly increasing, with continuous growth of double figures except last year.
Chungbuk National University (CBNU) has a number of facilities for students. When students know about the Health Service Center (HSC) and the Human Resources Development Center (HRC) among many other facilities, they can spend a more useful time at university.
On December 17, 2011, North Korea leader Kim Jong-Il suddenly died on a train. After the news, the global media showed a special interest. It was a topic before he died of what would happen to North Korea after he died and what might change in the security situation on the Korean Peninsula and in East Asia.
To get out of the title of a restructuring university, CBNU made a variety of efforts.
This academic year, Chungbuk National University(CBNU) reduced tuition by 5.3%. In terms of money, an average of 120,000 won was cut in the total amount of each semester's tuition. The average tuition reduction ratio(ratio of reduced tuition) of 10 local major national universities was 5.35%, so CBNU¡¯s tuition reduction ratio is similar to the averag.
Last year, the whole country was in an uproar over 'half-price tuition' demonstrations. Many people are divided into pros and cons. The government made the National Scholarship(NS) as an alternative to half-price tuition. The total amount of money supporting higher education is approximately 1.8 trillion won through the NS by the government. The NS combined the Future Dream scholarship, the Hope Dream scholarship and the Superiority Dream scholarship. The NS is divided into two categories, type 1 and type 2. The minimum G.P.A to receive the NS is above 3.0 point. Type 1 is offered to students from the bottom 5 income groups(roughly 29 million won a year). Type 2 is also awarded to the students from the bottom 9 income groups(roughly 54 million won a year). According to Korea Student Aid Foundation(KOSAF), students from the bottom 9 income groups can receive about on average 25% discounted tuition. However, students' responses to this change have been unreceptive.
Authorities issued a ¡°Heat wave¡± warning last Sunday for the Chungbuk province. Nam In-mo, a 21-year-old student living in Cheongju, stayed in his house with only a fan. He said, ¡°I took a shower to cool off.
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