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ÃÖÁ¾ÆíÁý : 2024.12.02 ¿ù 18:00
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Olympus, an international camera company, has investigated the sales of the Mirrorless Interchangeable Lens Camera(MILC) in the past year and found out that the sales rapidly increased. According to their findings, the MILCs increased by more than 160% of last year's sales in the UK, and it captured 8.3% of the German market. It also had 40% of the total digital camera sales for one year in Japan. Now, people all around the world are paying attention to the MILC.
National university incorporation is causing controversies in society as Seoul University and Busan University chose to be incorporated. The national university incorporation is a system that makes national universities like private universities. The government give the right to the universities to make their own budgets while reducing governmental finance support and the number of government employees from school personnel.
Lee Mi-suk, who is just an aunt in Korea, was not called by her name anywhere. She was not called her name, 'Lee Mi-suk', but someone's wife, mother or aunt. One day, she was in for a shock from her family members' words. They said that she was not purposeful and pathetic. After that, she tried hard to find her life goal. In the process, Lee Mi-suk realized that she had loved make-up since her childhood. Thus, she set a goal to become a make-up artist.
The Chungcheongbuk-Do Office of Education(CBE) has provided free meals to all elementary school and middle school students who are living in Chungbuk. Two opinions were in confrontation with each other over providing meals without cost. One was that providing meals free of charge would be good for relieving financial burdens of low class households. The other was that it would lower the quality of meals which would be provided to students. CBE decided to provide meals free of charge. However, there are some problems with the quality of the meals.
The government decided to implement the saving of energy considering high oil prices. Chungbuk National University(CBNU) is also cooperating with the goverment's policy of energy-saving.
The number of dabangs has decreased as coffee shops have settled in Korea, and dabangs are now understood negatively because of high association with illegal prostitution. However, in the 1980s, dabang was a guest room of old people, a resting place of workers and a study room of students. CBT covered that why dabangs have been out of the limelight and found attractions of dabangs which were loved by people.
¡°The Plus¡±, the General Students¡¯ Association (GSA) of Chungbuk National University (CBNU), has created ¡°the Minimum Wage 4320 Project¡± for CBNU students. ¡°The Minimum Wage 4320 Project¡± is planning to educate students who were treated unfairly and receive lower than 4,320 won an hour, which is the legal minimum wage, and were treated unfairly. ¡°The Plus¡± has worked with Cheongju Youth Association to solve not only the problems of CBNU students but also student workers who work in Cheongju.
There is a special senior secretary in the Dae-sung group, which is a famous company in Seoul. Her name is Jhun Sung-hee. She always looks young and fresh. She wore a short hair style, red lipstick and the orange jacket. She welcomed a CBT reporter with a bright voice and offered a cup of tea. When people see her appearance, it is hard for them to guess her age. She has been a secretary for 32 years, and she is 69 years old. CBT met Jhun Sung-hee, who is called ¡®The doyenne of the secretary field¡¯. Let¡¯s listen to her story.-Ed
Chungbuk National University Museum launched an exhibition "Dream Panorama"
CBNU Museum holds an exhibition from April 30th to August 31st.
We can appreciate relics at 2nd exhibition room. The exhibition was composed to understand easily the history of Korea from the stone age to Joseon Dynasty. Especially, because of showing a treasure number 716 called Kim Kil-tong officer meritorious retainer message, the exhibition is gaining population with people.
CBT surveyed the opinions of CBNU People about twenty-somethings who become delinquent borrowers due to high amount of tuition
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