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ÃÖÁ¾ÆíÁý : 2024.12.02 ¿ù 18:00
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In this interview, CBT interviews Wang-Xin who is from China. She is a student of the College of Social Science, Department of Political Science and International Relations in CBNU.
September 27th was the 58th anniversary of CBNU¡¯s establishment. On this issue, there are congratulatory addresses from the president and people who serve our students in stores near the school. CBT also features our beautiful campus, hoping that students show more interests in our school and think about its future.
In 1986, 10 un-named women were raped and killed in Gueonggi-do, Hwaseong. Many police offices were mobilized, and several investigation teams traced the criminal. However, the criminal wasn¡¯t arrested. The play ¡°Come See Me¡± is the original of the movie ¡°Memories of Murder,¡± and the play is focused on the detective¡¯s complicated mental states and conflicts.
Time flies fast when you are in Insadong. Insadong is a surprising place because it makes us go back to the past while we walk down the street covered with antiques, wheat-gluten candy and pullbbang sellers. How about taking a trip to your childhood memories and go to Insadong, a place like an historical museum?
On last September 6, a serious accident occurred in the ¡°Im-jin¡± river. Six private citizens, who were enjoying camping, died because North Korea discharged 4000t of water without notice, causing the water level to rise. How did this tragic accident happen?
Most of the recent global natural issues are understandably nothing but the result from the erroneous selection between two opposite beliefs in the world of ¡°physics¡±. This observation makes us to get aware that ¡°physics¡± could be a great and reliable frame of cognition, standing aloof from common means or momentary utility. It is this ¡°physics¡± that we are studying in university and often I feel very happy to be walking on this field.
As for the situation related to Professor Hussein, more information about the events has been discovered, and those have made us shameful. The event considering the second-generation Korean singer has also given people a reason to ponder racism. Because of this situation, we have to be more mature and care for other people regardless of their race.
Vaccine of Decreasing AIDS Infection Was Developed
FOMC Declares ¡°Beginning of Recover Business¡±
You should ask a native English speaker to correct a few of your entries and make suggestions. Don¡¯t ask him or her to read 20 pages at a time as that would be inconsiderate. Instead, ask to have a monthly meeting in which the native speaker could point out fossilized errors and offer ideas about issues of style, usage, etc. The advice you receive in these meetings and the practice journal writing itself will invariably lead to overall improvement.
The clear source of the disease was not identified. Even though the treatment was effective for the less than serious patients, Tamiflu was ineffective for serious patients. Therefore, each country is trying to reduce the damage from H1N1.
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