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ÃÖÁ¾ÆíÁý : 2024.12.02 ¿ù 18:00
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CBNU greeted the 58th anniversary of its establishment this year. I thank the professors, students, CBNU staff members and alumni, who have made everything possible.
More people have an interest in Korean vegetables, traditional foods and Korean goods than before. Nature is certainly necessary for us to live and eat well. Therefore, people should cherish tradition and nature to live well.
On July 16, the Students¡¯ Association of the College of Social Sciences posted a notice on the CBNU homepage. It was a criticizing of the Head Office¡¯s project for building the Physical Development Center(the tentative name) On the refutation, there were many other opinions of the Students¡¯ Associations. The problems are still in friction between the Head Office and Students.
Lately, disinfectants have been emphasized domestically because of the advent of the new flu. Therefore, CBT had an interview with Lee Joo-Ho, the Director General of the National Veterinary Research & Quarantine Service (NVRQS). Unlike general veterinarians, he has engaged in public service and has experienced various situations. He is the chief person responsible for domestic quarantine, called ¡®the second frontier.¡¯- Ed.
Recently, the dramas which focus on jobs (so called ¡°job dramas¡±) become popular. In the past, there were heroes who¡¯re doctors or lawyers. However, they didn¡¯t treat their work lives in earnest. In the past, the vocations were no more than background, but the latest dramas lay emphasis on the hero¡¯s vocation.
Beginning with this issue, a new corner is being opened called ¡°World Topic.¡± World Topic is the corner that talks about global issues. In this issue, we will tell about the two women reporters who came back from North Korea.
Jecheon is called ¡°a city of fresh wind and bright moon,¡± ¡°a city of image, culture and welfare,¡± ¡°a city of traditional oriental medicine and health¡± and ¡°a city of film industry of the future.¡± In this issue, CBT reports about Jecheon. Let¡¯s enjoy the Jecheon International Music and Film Festival(JIMFF). It was held from August 13 to August 18. Let¡¯s also appreciate the beautiful scenery in Jecheon.-Ed.
society and dramas interact infinitely.
The university is a place for students to learn knowledge and skills necessary for their future careers. It is also a place to cultivate themselves as humane, considerate, and compassionate individuals, which is supposedly the most essential component of university education.
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