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ÃÖÁ¾ÆíÁý : 2024.12.02 ¿ù 18:00
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At present, CBNU Library¡¯s lobby is being used as a place for people to meet each other and as a passageway between the College of Natural Science and the College of Social Science. For these reasons, there is too much noise, and it disturbs the academic atmosphere. The library started a care campaign in March with the intention to settle the library culture by reducing noise. This campaign is part of a project for making a mature library culture which will progress in the future. The project is still being prepared, but the campaign started earlier than planned as the semester began because the library¡¯s lobby became so noisy.
Architecture is a study that is not justified by words. It is a study that combines various cultures, history and people. Kim Jun-sung is an architect who builds buildings based on overseas experience. Let¡¯s listen to his speech about architecture exposing reality.
Food is a common material in movies because life is closely connected with food. This shows that dishes show cultures of other countries. Following movies will show hidden cultures in food.
Korea get together with the name of ¡°The Proud Koreans¡± through many sports tournaments and another supplements.
If, during the 20th Century, an American male had been asked to name his brand of underwear, the chances were that he¡¯d answer ¡°BVDs.¡± And if someone had asked him what BVD stood for, the chances were that he¡¯d answer ¡°I don¡¯t know.¡± In the 21st Century, things aren¡¯t much different. Whether Jockey, Calvin Klein, Fruit-of-the-Loom, male underwear is still sometimes called BVDs. We live in times when abbreviations and acronyms threaten to demote English a second language.
GSA is giving snacks to students at night on April 22. A student is writing his personal information to get it
As you listen to the sports news these days, you can ascertain the superior scores of sports players. At the 2008 Beijing Olympics last year, the latest figure skating contests and a good showing at the WBC(World Baseball Classic) are examples.
Korea has to respect personal choice through death with dignity.
If you travel to get rid of stress, CBT recommends you to go where the ¡°fight¡± is. If you participate in the above festivals once, you will want to go to the festivals once more. It is a chance to become a child again who enjoys festivals and not be concerned about work.
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