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ÃÖÁ¾ÆíÁý : 2024.12.02 ¿ù 18:00
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Many successful people say that even though time is given equally to everyone, your life will vary according to how you spend it. Although everyone knows the importance of time, it is still not easy to spend time efficiently. Especially, there are too many temptations, like smartphones, to waste time pointlessly. According to the 2019 Korean Level of SmartPhone Dependence Survey, conducted by the Ministry of Science/ICT and National Information Society Agency, 20% of Korean daily lives were disrupted by smartphones in 2019. Many people, including me,
This year, many things happened all over the world because of the corona virus outbreak. Especially in Korea, the response to Corona 19 has drawn international attention. For example, some heads of state urgently requested direct access to Korea¡¯s Corona 19 diagnostic kits. The efforts of countless medical staff and citizens in Korea have greatly reduced the number of confirmed cases. It is abundantly clear that Korea¡¯s response to the Corona 19 outbreak was significantly different than other countries.
The issue that aroused the most changes in 2020 is COVID-19. Accordingly, the aspect of cultural life, which people enjoyed freely, also has been changing. Various cultural events and festivals have been cancelled or held online in the social distancing period. Let¡¯s check out what interesting events and festivals people can enjoy from the safety of their own homes.
Like the famous saying ¡°Let¡¯s enjoy it while we can,¡± the phrase ¡°Today we ¡®FLEX¡¯ed,¡± has been spreading like a trend among the new generation and has become a consumption trend. So what does it mean to FLEX? According to Naver¡¯s Korean dictionary, FLEX means ¡®Doing warm-up exercises.¡¯ However, the meaning of FLEX in today¡¯s society is different. It refers to the hot vocal rising and falling by a musician which can be interpreted as ¡®showing off and boasting¡¯. And the dynamic equivalent for ordinary consumers is interpreted as ¡®consumption (of high-priced goods).¡¯
These days, many things are discarded on a daily basis. In 2015, EURPMAP surveyed 63 countries around the world on plastic usage. According to EURPMAP, South Korea¡¯s annual plastic emissions were 61.97 kilograms per person. The public became aware of the seriousness of the plastic usage problem. Therefore, recycling was implemented to protect the environment at the national and personal levels. However, lots of resources are thrown away, while recycling is limited. This is the major limitation to recycling.
¡°Animals are not for lab experiments¡± The slogan was chanted down at the Gwanghwamun Gate, Seoul, on April 24th. Two civil society organizations for animal rights, Vegan People and Korea Association for Animal Protection, were gathered to hold a press conference to urge companies to stop unethical and unscientific animal experiments. Observed every year on April 24th, the World Day for Laboratory Animals marked its 41st anniversary this year. Anti-animal experiment rallies and commemorations were held worldwide this week for animals that perish under clinical trials.
On June 25th 1950, the calm of the Korean Peninsula was suddenly interrupted by the screams of traumatized citizens at the fearful sight of the North Korean invasion. The Democratic People¡¯s Republic of Korea, supported by the Soviet Union, invaded the Republic of Korea illegally. This was when neighbor turned against neighbor in a bloody civil war because of ideological conflict. This war has been known as ¡®The Korean War¡¯ and the 25th is designated as a national anniversary to commemorate the war.
CBT interviewed the Doyak campaign members as they are running for the Student Council election in 2020. The interview was conducted to help school members understand the campaign pledges and encourage them to vote.
Due to the prolonged COVID-19 situation, lectures were converted to non-face-to-face classes during the first semester of 2020. These unprecedented incidents are adding to the confusion among students. To solve this confusion, CBNU is coming up with measures to deal with it amid many concerns. Let¡¯s find out how CBNU plans to cope until the end of the semester.
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