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ÃÖÁ¾ÆíÁý : 2024.12.02 ¿ù 18:00
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As the viewers of Youtube have increased in Korea, Youtubers who target them are also increasing. Yoyomi, who is a new Trot singer from Cheongju, is one of them. By interviewing her, CBT investigated how so many Youtubers have become so popular so quickly. -Ed.
In the re-election for the 51st Student Council, the Synergy Campaign won the election with a 73.15% (5,397 votes) approval rating. Before the vote, CBT interviewed the Synergy Campaign. This interview will help CBNU students understand about their re-election and how CBNU students voted. Please tell the readers the meaning of the representative colors and pledges of the Synergy Campaign and the backstory of their candidacy. I am Moon Jae-yun, the presidential candidate, and this is Park Hyung-bin, the vice-presidential candidate, of the 51st the Synergy Campaign.
Three CBT reporters are members of the Dokdo Academy. The Dokdo Academy conducts national education and Dokdo excursion training for young people and college students who are interested in Dokdo in preparation for the Japanese invasion strategy. Japan has unreasonably recorded Dokdo as Takeshima in public institutions and publications around the world and has labeled the East sea as the Sea of Japan. The Dokdo Academy is a non-governmental, non-profit social contribution organization. It was established to correct these problems.
March 1st, 1919, was the day when 33 Korean leaders wrote the Declaration of Independence and resisted against Japanese imperialist colonization. It is called Independence Movement Day. Last March 1st, 2019, marked the 100th anniversary of Independence Movement Day, and last April 11th, 2019, marked the 100th anniversary of the establishment of a provisional government. Marking the 100th anniversary of Independence Movement Day, there is one crucial thing that has attracted the public¡¯s attention.
On February 28th, the Korea Kindergarten Association (KKA) delayed the opening of some private preschools. The reason was that the association opposed the contents of the three amendments related to preschools. Eventually, the association wanted those bills to be withdrawn as they thought some contents threatened their livelihoods. Although the KKA¡¯s situation faded away in the past, as the public was not on their side and the government took strict legal action, it has been an issue for a long time.
In the past, broadcasting on TV and showing movies in theaters was a big part of the video industry. However, in recent years, there are many ways to watch movies. People are watching videos on demand. Through these videos, it is possible to experience various subjects such as beauty, games, kidneys, and dance. Also, people can get useful information about real life. The most representative examples are YouTube and Netflix. Through these two platforms, people are free to watch videos that they want to see, and the number of people who watch these videos is increasing rapidly.
It is hard to see a clear sky nowadays in Korea, so people say, ¡°lf you want to see a clear sky, you have to go abroad.¡± Fine dust suspended in the air causes respiratory problems, and some fine dust comes from China consistently. Therefore, this is no longer just an environmental problem but a social problem that threatens people¡¯s right to live. What policies did the government take to reduce fine dust? First of all, actions to reduce fine dust, such as an alternating-day-of-no-driving system and a prohibition on old vehicles, were implemented, but the fine dust has shown no signs of decreasing despite the government¡¯s actions.
If people watch the news these days, they can see much news about the current government. Thanks to the fast-developing technology, people can quickly hear about social issues. This increased accessibility has given people a chance to pay more attention to politics. Young people are also very interested in politics and speak their voices. As many people are interested in politics, there are various attitudes toward it. Some young people have withdrawn their support from the incumbent administration.
On March 1st, 2019, Korea celebrated the 100th anniversary of the March First Independence Movement and held many events. Also, Koreans offered a silent tribute to the freedom fighters¡¯ struggle and their spirit. Under the 36 years of colonization, Korea suffered and lost so many things. Even though 100 years have passed, many problems have not been solved yet. One of them is the palaces in Seoul.
CBT met with Heo Seon-jae (14, the Dept, of Business Administration, Daejeon University), a prop artist, who draws original and interesting pictures using props that are easily accessible in everyday life. He is an ordinary college student studying Business Administration during the day, but he works as an artist at night. It is cool that he does his best by following what he likes and by not being afraid of challenging himself with new things.
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