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ÃÖÁ¾ÆíÁý : 2024.12.02 ¿ù 18:00
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Most people have had some experience of having power in large and small organizations. In a small aspect, if people have brothers and sisters, they make their little siblings do an errand, or in large aspect, a president giving orders can be seen as an example of power too. However, this form of power has fallen to being used as a tool for self-gratification rather than a reason for admiration.
I always used to write down the college and department I aimed for on a small paper during my high school days. Just getting into a prominent university was my goal, like other students in my teenage years. I thought that getting into a prominent university was the only way for the good jobs and a stable life.
Nowadays, people enjoy watching Memedia. They watch videos through YouTube and Kakao TV, which have made rapid strides. Elementary school students often write ¡®YouTube Creator¡¯ in the future hope section. Creators who create channels on platforms like YouTube post their own video clips, and they share it with the public. Indeed, it is currently a heyday for the creators. There is a person who is one of the biggest star creators.
The Chungbuk Times No.177
March is the month of graduation and orientation. Freshmen everywhere on campus are often seen struggling to find classrooms. They can find that school buildings are numbered according to their positions. Also, the Gaesin Culture Center has a bookstore, bakery, and other facilities that sell daily necessities, and the students know that CBNU strives to offer what students need for their welfare.
At the end of the vacation, students get on the Total Information Management System of CBNU to prepare for the new semester. The Total Information Management System(TIMS) provides a variety of services for the convenience of students. However, according to Lee Seung-ho, a leader of information teams in the Information and Computer Center, the utilization rate of the services, except for a few services, is very low even though the TIMS has many services.
The CBT met an author, Lee Da-eun, who has written short essays and poems about a variety of topics on SNS and has recently published a book, ¡®The Season of Love¡¯. Originally, I started writing when I was a freshman. However, I was devoted to studying my major and enjoyed my college life until my junior year. Then, I found myself writing on notepads while doing my assignments overnight.
Everyone has heard of Dotori of Cyworld or Cash of Naver. Bitcoin is not actual money but a type of money that can be used to buy items or pay for services. In other words, Bitcoin is a virtual currency and it is the name for the method by which this electronic payment works. Cryptocurrency is a type of digital currency, and it is a currency that is created by using a digital password to carry out deals. In order to create this cryptocurrency, it is mined when you decode 16-digit passwords among 64 different kinds through hash functions, and each successful decoding creates one bitcoin.
The Chungbuk Times prepared small tips for CBNU¡¯s exchange students to help them enjoy campus life in CBNU and Korea. First, you should become friends with the leader of your major. All college schedules and meetings are communicated by the leader of each major. The fastest way to become familiar with Korean students is to get close with the leader of your major.
2018 has come. For the new year, CBT is introducing a new series. This semester, we will welcome exchange students at CBNU to describe their daily lives and adjustments to life in Korea and CBNU. We hope that you can show how exchange students adapt to Korea. Gamonwan from Thailand is going to tell us about her Korean adaptation period. I hope everyone will welcome our new friend Gamonwan.
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