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ÃÖÁ¾ÆíÁý : 2024.12.02 ¿ù 18:00
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Almost every CBNU student must take some specific English liberal arts during their semesters. However, many students don¡¯t know about why they have to take the subjects and what institute makes the subjects. Some students just take the classes because the subjects are on the curriculum.
At the beginning of each term, most students are confronted with the difficulties of class registration. Of course, there are students in some departments who don¡¯t need to schedule their classes by themselves, but most students have to and they have a hard time doing so.
Dear fellow students! Have you ever visited a barbershop in CBNU? A barbershop in our school provides fine haircuts at a good cost. It¡¯s been 65 years since 1951 that our school was founded. There are people who have cut hair for half of that time. We interviewed the director of a barbershop: Lee Bong-cheol who has worked there for 30 years.
¡®Room Escape¡¯ fever has been sweeping across the country. Room Escape is an online game that we can easily find on the internet. It is a game where players have to use various kinds of things and get hints in the room in order to get out of the room. This game has even appeared offline recently.
In our country, accidents caused by the obsession with being fast have been a continuously troubling problem. One of the biggest issues in 2011 was caused by the 30-minute delivery guarantee rule of Dominos. A teenage pizza delivery rider died on the spot after being hit by a bus.
How much time do people spend on Social Network Services(SNS)? Recently, as smartphones have become more popular, many people come into contact with SNS more easily than in the past. Although many problems related to SNS addiction are occurring, there are people who get things they want by using SNS actively
Recently, the crime rate by Koreans has been increasing in the Philippines. According to a report about Korean perpetrators in the Philippines, the MOFA(Ministry of Foreign Affairs) announced that there were 91 Korean criminals in 2013, 137 Koreans in 2014, and 164 Koreans in 2015, so the number of criminals has been increasing.
Many countries and scientists are especially interested in Mars among the many planets in the solar system. However, even though there have been lots of trials for Mars exploration for several years, it is a fact that there hasn¡¯t been much information or data about Mars.
The reporter of this article firstly learned about the existence of Cheong-ju when applying to CBNU. As I became a third-year student, I became attracted to the charm of Cheong-ju when I heard these three facts
Freshmen students begin their first school year with full of drive and optimism, and so they would be enthusiastic in participating a lot of welcoming parties and social gatherings at their departments and clubs. But then, they would experience several uncomfortable and sometimes even violent welcoming practices.
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