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ÃÖÁ¾ÆíÁý : 2024.12.02 ¿ù 18:00
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Last Jan. 5th, President Obama announced strong gun control executive actions as a result of the past shooting incidents¡¯ bereaved families. President Obama sincerely appealed to people to support his executive actions, saying, ¡°Because people are dying. And the constant excuses for inaction no longer do, no longer suffice
In Korea, half-price tuition has been debated as an election pledge. Many people have a concern for scholarships and the student loan system, which are operated by the Korea Student Aid Foundation. Lots of people are paying attention to the tuition issue because it is a heavy burden to many university students.
Have you ever donated money to a charity? Many people have not donated money because they don¡¯t have money or they feel sorry when they can¡¯t donate much money. CBT introduces about special donations for those people.
In a pamphlet published by the Japanese Foreign Ministry, Japan asserts that ¡°the most frequently used method of naming sea areas separated from an ocean is to use the name of a major archipelagic arc or a peninsula that separates the sea area in question from the ocean.¡± It cites as examples the ¡°Sea of Japan¡±, the ¡°Andaman Sea¡±, the ¡°Gulf of California¡± and the ¡°Irish Sea¡±.
The story of wealthy Rothschild¡¯s family shows why information is important. In the nineteenth century, there was a war between Napoleon¡¯s France and the Allied Forces, which consisted of the United Kingdom and other European nations. This famous war is called the Battle of Waterloo, and the Rothschild¡¯s family became the richest family through the war
Korean¡¯s hurried culture is well-known. In the past, it might have held a negative meaning of a hot-headed Korean, but these days it represents Korea¡¯s main image of achieving high growth
Last winter, there were some events that made us feel warm. The most impressive things were some used briquettes engraved with some illustrations and phrases. There is a man who changed briquettes into beautiful works, which made people feel warm in such a cold winter. CBT reporters met Rim Min, who is an artist making works by using briquettes
When it comes to this generation, we can call it ¡°the globalized generation¡± because of the increased interaction between countries. As the people who are preparing to launch into the generation, many university students are trying to do a lot of things to react to this situation. However, defining what university students should do is very difficult because the concept is a little ambiguous.
A total of 6 papers were received, and we carefully reviewed every paper in terms of its grammatical competence, the frame/structure of the work, and the creative/critical thinking skills it presented. The first factor, grammatical competence, should be considered important, mainly because it not only serves as a basis for good writing, but it also helps readers to understand the main theme of the paper.
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