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ÃÖÁ¾ÆíÁý : 2024.12.02 ¿ù 18:00
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Recently, as interest about nature increases, interest in tourism is increasing. The representative Eco Experience Center is located in Chungju, and it fulfills tourist¡¯s interests as well. Also
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Have you heard of ¡®Exclusive¡¯ fashion brand? Have you heard of ¡®Kang Sung-do¡¯? Kang Sung-do is a designer who is known for appearing in a designing audition broadcast. Last year, he launched the brand
Before Koreans could recover from the Sewol ferry disaster, the accident of Seoul subway line No.2 happened. A few days later, a train went backward on subway line No.1. Because of the continuous accidents
College students often drink because they have many meetings of various groups, such as department meetings and clubs. Alcohol consumption is increasing more and more because of Korea¡¯s peculiar
Charlie Hebdo is the most representative satire magazine in France. It contributes various cartoons which symbolize satires on topics such as war, politics, and religion. Recently,
Everyone can use a simple computer program that replies to voices. However, you might be disappointed at the dry and stiff answer contrary to your expectations. How about
Fortunately, I had lots of opportunities to travel to diverse countries. There were some countries which I traveled in for a few days and in some I stayed for just a few months.
I want to believe I¡¯m still a freshman, but the fact I will become a sophomore seems to be unchanging, whereas the class of 2015 are becoming freshman
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