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ÃÖÁ¾ÆíÁý : 2024.12.02 ¿ù 18:00
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Recently, the approval of homosexuals announced by Francesco Pope has been controversial as a taboo of the Catholic Church. According to his opinion, the church needs an ability to cure
The movie, Outbreak, was about an Ebola-like virus called the Motaba virus that was carried into the U.S. and caused an epidemic. Since it shows a great amount of similarities with the Ebola virus
A man, who wore a white swimming cap and goggles waited for the starting sign as he bent his waist. After listening to the sound of a whistle, he went into the water.
On checking the 151st newspaper of CBT, I heard a story from a reporter who was gathering data about the Engineering Authentication Program(EAP).
¡®Collaboration¡¯, which is a way of marketing, is where two brands cooperate together and make their own products. Collaboration has a synergy effect of the two brands.
An announcement from the MOE(Ministry of Education) on January 29 has confused all universities in Korea. Although the announcement from the MOE was expected because of the decreasing number of eligible students for university entrance, it shocked universities.
Nowadays, as many students go to university by bicycle, they feel discomfort about using their bicycles in the university. From September 16th to 19th in 2014, CBT gave a bicycle usage survey to one
Despite the controversy ON&ON had over the election, they became the new General Student Assocoation(GSA), but the real question is, ¡°How will they regain the students¡¯ trust?¡±
Kim Taek-young, the chairman of General Delegation(GD)
To Make CBNU Students Pay Attention to the Comfort Women
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