What¡¯s the meaning of your company name, ¡®Yeon-tan Soft¡¯?
When I first made the application, I wanted to practice social contribution through this. Therefore, I determined ¡®Yeon-tan¡¯ as the company name. Yeon-tan has a coincidental meaning, ¡°deliver warmth.¡±
How did you start making the application?
There are 32 foundation clubs in CBNU. Foundation clubs go through channels that judge a finished project during a year by an outside expert. The club associated with ¡®Yeon-tan Soft¡¯ experienced the process. Consequently, we received the grand prize in the CBNU startup business promoting foundation of 2013. Since then, we received much help from the CBNU startup business promoting foundation. We held the campaign ¡®Flowery Sexual Story¡¯ with the 23rd General Female Student Association to change woman¡¯s awareness of sexual assault after we founded the company. Now, we are conducting market research to make another application.
Why did you start making the application?
I started making the application for my girlfriend. I heard a sex offender moved nearby my girlfriend¡¯s house, so I worried about that and downloaded all applications about preventing sex crimes. However, most applications were inefficient, so I made it personally. After completion of my application, I uploaded it to the market to share with my acquaintances.
What things were hardships while making the application?
I didn¡¯t know how to make an application at first, so I just read a lot of books about android. Through this, I learned how to make it. I think I had a lot of trials and errors while making the application because it was a first trial. However, the event was pretty impressive after I uploaded the application to the market. This happened due to the message system. This application system utilizes the message system for getting in touch with appointed others. However, errors occurred in the course of the application process due to lots of smart phones that use the android operating system. A lot of messages were uploaded to users at once. Therefore, we had complaints from users.
Advice to people who want to set up an application like ¡®Yeon-tan Soft¡¯.
I think, if they want to make a commercial application, they should definitely do market research. I wish that they would meet customers¡¯ needs. Then, I hope their application would be based on certain data and a definite plan.
By Oh Ah-ra | ar34@cbnu.ac.kr