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ÃÖÁ¾ÆíÁý : 2024.09.03 È­ 11:53
Campus News
Campus News Section
 Lee So-yoon&Baek Han-na
The Various Reading Activities in CBNU¡¯s Libraries
Á¦ 185 È£    ¹ßÇàÀÏ : 2019.04.15 

  Students use the school libraries to study, spend their spare time between lectures, meet friends or drink coffee in the new café, but how many students participate in the library reading programs?
  By using Everytime, which is a mobile application for students, the CBT conducted a survey regarding how many students know about the programs and participate in them, and 55 university students answered this survey. Of the total participants, 56.4% responded to knowing about the programs. However, only 20% of the students have participated in them. 80% of students didn't know about the programs or didn¡¯t participate but were aware of the programs. Reading activities in CBNU are held in the library and the Office of Creative and Convergent Center. The library has a ¡®Golden Mileage¡¯ event, and the center has reading programs like a reading certification program and a book club. Throughout this article, the CBT will introduce programs in libraries to promote participation.
  The ¡®Golden Mileage¡¯ event is a program which is held at the libraries. It aims to encourage reading and library visits. If participants obtain mileage through various reading activities, they can receive rewards according to the sum of the mileage at the end of the year, and residents as well as students in CBNU can get rewards. The program started last year, so it is not known by many students. If students participate in this program, the possibility of getting a reward is comparatively high. As it consists of a variety of contests and programs, participants can obtain mileage in each activity. In addition, participants can get rewards when they achieve certain goals. The final mileage rewards are given to the six winners who have the most mileage at the end of the year. Also, after getting mileage, participants must fill in the mileage confirmation, and that is verified by a person in charge.
  The Book King of the Month is a monthly contest in the library that gives rewards at the beginning of each month to people who borrowed many books in the previous month, and 30 mileage points are given to the winners. On that day and the next day, returning books is not allowed. Also, borrowing the same book more than once does not count. Since the genre of books is not limited, this contest is recommended for people who want to start reading as a hobby.
  The Online Information Hunting Contest is an online competition where participants answer 15 questions about academic research. Anyone can participate in this contest by accessing their smart phones or computers. If there are more than two participants who are tied, the frequency of borrowing books will be used to break the tie. This contest will be held in May and November of this year, and 15 mileage points will be given per contest regardless of the final scores. This contest is recommended for students who don¡¯t want to waste a lot of time preparing for a contest.
  The library also has a program where students have to read 1 of 100 selected books on culture and literature and then write a review. Up to two entries can be submitted per person, and it is administered and separated into ranks by a specialist. According to the contents of the book reviews, the ratings are divided into the best, good and poor levels, and each level will receive corresponding mileage of 10, 5 and 0 points. Participants submit entries by e-mail, and the four most outstanding works will be selected for a reward. This program is recommended for people who want to read books but who do not have many chances to do so.
  Another contest concerning research can be applied to via e-mail. The contest gives a reward to six excellent entries. Participants submit samples of their research, which can be aided by the library or librarians. The samples must be one or two pages long. The best papers will be published into a casebook. Ten mileage points will be given to all participants. This contest is recommended for zealous students who visit the library often for their studies.
  A photo contest is expected to be held until the middle of June. People can participate in this contest by sending a photo which shows daily library scenes via email. The best photo will be awarded and displayed at an open exhibition. This contest would be a good opportunity for students who are interested in photography or who are regular users of the library. After participating in this contest, students will get 10 mileage points.
  To get more mileage, students can also participate in a group reading support program, or they can participate in library education, join library festivals or activities, or volunteer at the library. If students have more questions, refer to the library web page or contact the library team.

By Lee So-yoon l sy39@cbnu.ac.kr
By Baek Han-na l backna@cbnu.ac.kr
By Kwon Ji-ye l whodrk@cbnu.ac.kr

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