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ÃÖÁ¾ÆíÁý : 2024.12.02 ¿ù 18:00
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The dancing club, ¡®SIVA¡¯ is dancing in the On&On inaguration ceremony.
Olleh KT homepage was hacked this February, so 1.2 million among 1.6 million customers personal information was leaked.
The Cheongju baseball stadium, which has been used as Korean pro baseball team Hanwha Eagles¡¯s second home, finished major remodeling on July 15th. The Cheongju baseball stadium construction, which started in June in 2012, was completed after a year and cost 4.2 billion won.
Do you feel art is only difficult? There is a blog, Moon So-Young's Secret Library on Art Gallery. There are lots of articles which make it easier for people to approach art in the blog. The blog's owner is the Korea JoongAng Daily Culture Desk Chief, who writes articles about society through culture and art.
Recently, university students are paying attention to the latest knowledge in the humanities. For this reason, various books and lectures about humanities are popular these days.
In the movie called ¡®Harold and Kumar¡¯, all the problems started when Kumar stepped into the airport. Just by Kumar¡¯s Middle Eastern appearance, he got involved in a lot of trouble in the airport.
Hello everyone, how is your semester going? Mid-terms are coming so you probably are reviewing a lot of English vocabulary words.
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