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ÃÖÁ¾ÆíÁý : 2024.12.02 ¿ù 18:00
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Stars in the sky have always been mysterious to human beings. People can't reach the stars despite being able to see them.
The space above the Earth¡¯s atmosphere, out to the Sun, and beyond, is populated by a tenuous gas made up of charged atomic particles, mostly, electrons, protons, and other ions. They are usually called ¡°plasma¡±.
Although the number of foreign students who came to Chungbuk National University(CBNU) to study is increasing, there is little opportunity to interchange freely with the CBNU students.
Modern people, who lived in rapidly changing times, couldn¡¯t find time to look back on themselves in the past. However, they are so exhausted from a long-lasting economic depression and their hard-hearted lives that they are now stopping their work and are taking their time to heal themselves. As the number of people healing themselves has increased, recently,
Koreans have been concerned about the late handling of building a radiographic inspection system. Last year, the 4 regions with main airports and harbors installed machines of radiographic inspection.
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