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ÃÖÁ¾ÆíÁý : 2024.12.02 ¿ù 18:00
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For all our lives, we need opportunities to learn gender roles. These efforts have made man participate in housework. Global View interviewed different opinions about it.
Recently, there are all different kinds of occupations in the world. However, most students want stable jobs that everyone wants to get. There is a person who challenges new fields. Reporters of the Chungbuk Times met Woo Jong Yoo, a private investigator. -Ed.
Recently, the average prices of cellular phones have been rising to 1 million won.
When many people see a beautiful woman, they often say that the woman looks like a doll. One English girl who enjoyed decorating herself to look like dolls became the talk of the world in March of this year.
'Experts of Living(EL)' Class was held in the Starlight Restaurant every Thursday in September at 6 p.m. The restaurant is located on the second floor of the New Student Union Building at CBNU.
'Brave Guys', a segment of the Korean comedy show, 'Gag Concert', was in the hot seat for broadcasting sententious words in an impolite way.
The number of North Korean refugees to South Korea stood at about 25,000 as of the end of September 2012. Most refugees are ¡®Planning North Korean refugees.¡¯ They tried fleeing North Korea to live better lives than they lived in North Korea.
Now, we are living in the age of globalization. Inspired by the Ministry of Education and Science Technology(MEST)¡¯s international students promotion policy, the number of international students who reside within the country has been rapidly increasing, with continuous growth of double figures except last year.
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