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ÃÖÁ¾ÆíÁý : 2024.12.02 ¿ù 18:00
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Japan emphasized a firm sense of self and individualism historically. The movie 'Nobody Knows' let us think about Japan's extreme individualism and indifference.
Authorities issued a ¡°Heat wave¡± warning last Sunday for the Chungbuk province. Nam In-mo, a 21-year-old student living in Cheongju, stayed in his house with only a fan. He said, ¡°I took a shower to cool off.
Most university students dream of love and desire of dating. However, love and dating are very difficult. Someone who wants to love others always carries a torch for his or her lovers, and others who date with their boyfriends or girlfriends are in pain while they love each other.
Nowadays, many university students study hard and build their careers to get stable jobs. However, the notion of a permanent job has disappeared. Many people who have jobs are preparing for their next careers. Because of the recession and unemployment crisis, the number of university students who want to establish their own companies is increasing.
Recently, the plagiarism by lawmakers including Moon Dae-sung has become a social and political issue. Moon Dae-sung said, "I admit using too many quotations and not identifying the quotations, but I didn't know that it was plagiarism."
Ahn Cheol-soo announced his candidacy in the coming presidential election. All eyes are focused on his movement because Ahn has been very popular with people aged 20 to 40 years old. Non-politicians' sorties into politics have often occurred so far.
The Science and Technology Library opened on March 20th. It was built to support the research activities of students who major in Natural Science, Engineering and Electrial & Computer Engineering.
One of the most important aspects of learning a new language is pronouncing words like a native speaker does. This does take time, but there are a few simple things you can do to improve your pronunciation dramatically.
The number of the sexual assaults increased from 15,970 to 21,912 increased by 37%. What are good ways to eradicate sexual assaults?
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