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ÃÖÁ¾ÆíÁý : 2024.12.02 ¿ù 18:00
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Now, we are living in the age of globalization. Inspired by the Ministry of Education and Science Technology(MEST)¡¯s international students promotion policy, the number of international students who reside within the country has been rapidly increasing, with continuous growth of double figures except last year.
Now, we are living in the age of globalization. Inspired by the Ministry of Education and Science Technology(MEST)¡¯s international students promotion policy, the number of international students who reside within the country has been rapidly increasing, with continuous growth of double figures except last year.
Now, we are living in the age of globalization. Inspired by the Ministry of Education and Science Technology(MEST)¡¯s international students promotion policy, the number of international students who reside within the country has been rapidly increasing, with continuous growth of double figures except last year.
I am majoring in Civil Engineering(CE) in Chungbuk National University(CBNU). CE is one of the oldest studies in human history based on traditions and skills.
CBNU started a total amount budget system for 1 year, from March in 2011 to February in 2012, regarding the rates of electricity and telephone costs. As a result, electricity and telephone use has dropped by 7.1% in one year. In addition, 10 of 13 colleges decreased their energy use.
To lighten their financial burden, Giant General Students Association(GSA) opened the second-hand bookstore from March 7 to 9 in front of the New Student¡¯s Hall.
In Russia, Vladimir Putin was elected president. It must be respected as the choice of the nation. There is, however, a minor problem. Russian President Vladimir Putin was president before for a total of 8 years and was a prime minister under Russian President Dmitri Medvedev for 4 years. Therefore, he actually has been in power for 12 years. Also, Dmitri Medvedev was a junior of Vladimir Putin in the university, so he was called a tool of Vladimir Putin by many people.
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